Chapter 4

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As I entered the basement, I looked around to see no one so I followed the sobs to a door not too far away and quietly twisted the door handle before pushing it open. As I step inside I see the woman who I assume is his wife, sitting in a bath full of bubbles, sobbing with her hands over her eyes.

I quietly shut and lock the door, walking as quiet as a mouse all the way over to her and as she goes to lift her head, I quickly lean forward, covering her mouth with my hand.

"Shh, I'm not here to hurt you, I swear. I can explain everything to you, as long as you promise me you won't make a sound. I only want to help you." I tell her quickly but quietly.

She looks at me with wide, terrified eyes and I let out a sigh.

"I know your husband. I can you tell you everything and anything, please." I tell her and she stares at me for a few more moments before her head nods a bit.

I cautiously remove my hand and she takes in a few deep breathes as she watches my every movement.

"Is this real? Is this really happening or am I dreaming?" she asks quietly.

I shrug.

"Whatever you want it to be. I don't mind pretending it was a dream." I reply and she bites her lip and I watch as she gives herself a quick pinch before her eyes widen.

"Who... who are you? Are you going to kill me?" she asks and I shake my head.

"You're the last person asides from the child living here that I want to hurt, let alone kill." I reply.

"Why are you here? You looking for something valuable or money? My husband is a..." she begins to say and I roll my eyes.

"I know your husband, remember?" I say and she frowns.

"Right... who are you and how do you know him?" she asks.

"My name is Roxie and I met him briefly... while he was on duty...he..." As I begin to explain, I suddenly notice bruises on her knees that look to go up and down her leg but it was hard to tell from the bubbles covering the rest of her lower half, as only her knees were poking out.

"Does he abuse you?" I gasp trying to keep my voice down at the shock.

Her eyes widen and her jaw drops and before she can even begin to defend the situation, I raise my hand to stop her, already knowing the answer.

"Here I thought he was only terrible towards criminals, but no he is a monster after all." I mumble.

"What... what are you talking about?" she stutters.

"Your husband is a disgusting human being. I may not know all his dirty little secrets or what skeletons are hiding in his closet but what I do know is this. He is a man who calls himself a cop, a man who is supposed to protect and enforce the law but he rapes women and beats his wife while a child lives under his roof." I say and she gasps.

"He... he..." she begins to stutter and I nod.

"That's right, your husband, raped me. I was in jail for only a matter of 24 hours and he did it not once, but twice. I promised him that karma was a bitch, he just didn't realize that when I said karma, I meant me." I tell her and her eyes widen.

"So I want to know, what type of punishment do you think he deserves? Originally I planned death but then I seen you and the kid and thought that was too much but now that I have seen this, death seems fair but I'm going to leave it up to you. Would you like his life to continue or would you like him to vanish for good?" I ask and her jaw drops again.

I watch as she sits and contemplates it, taking in everything I have said. She looks at me a few times, biting her lip anxiously before finally I watch as her lips form the word I was hoping to hear.

"Death." she says and I nod my head.

"Good choice. Now I'm going to need a bit of help, can you do that for me?" I say and she nods her head.

"Does he take any medications, use drugs or alcohol? Have any mental illnesses?" I ask.

"He has depression, ptsd, anger issues, takes medication for ptsd and drinks on the weekends, used to be addicted to cocaine." she replies and I think about it for a moment before a smirk pulls at my lips.

"I've got the perfect plan. When do you want it done?" I say.

"As soon as I get my son out of the house. I take him to my parents every morning for a couple hours while I go to the gym and get some groceries and cleaning done." she tells me and I nod.

"Alright here's the plan." I say.

I explain step by step how we are going to do this and what roles she needed to play in it before telling her I would be back in a couple hours. I quietly made my back out of the house and back into my car, just in time for my phone to go off again.

"Sorry babe, it's going to be later into the morning but I promise I'll be home by 11." I say as I answer.

"Babe?" I hear Rio's familiar voice reply.

"Rio? What the fuck do you want now?" I groan.

"I have another rat problem I want you to take care of. I will pay double." he tells me and I let out a sigh.

"This time I need the 24 hours, I'm already on one right now and that's if you have everything I need like last time, if not then I need 36-48." I reply.

"24 will be enough, you can pick it up at the same address. Let me know when you're on the way." he says and I simply end the call before groaning.

So much for a break.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now