Chapter 38

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After being finger fucked and having my first orgasm of the night, I thought that would be enough. I quickly learned, it only made me want more. So I did what any girl in my position would do. Starting by lowering his jeans and briefs to his knees, I made him set his car to cruise control before taking his hard cock into my mouth.

I slurped and sucked his length, making it nice and wet before finally getting to the part I had been wanting most. Hiking up my dress to my waist, I climbed onto Rio's lap.

"Just keep your hands on the wheel and eyes on the road." I tell him before sinking myself down onto his hardened length.

He lets out a groan of pleasure and reaches one of his arms out, wrapping it around my waist as his other hand gripped the wheel behind me.

With my legs on either side of him, I leaned over his shoulder, holding onto the passenger seat as I begin to ride his cock.

"Fuck, Mami." he groans as his fingers dig into my flesh.

I moan in pleasure as I begin to quicken the pace, sliding up and down his length.

"Fuck, I love your cock." I moan in pure bliss and he chuckles deeply.

Cars fly by us as Rio continues to keep us on the road and I begin to slam down harder on his cock as my pussy clenches tightly around him and pressure begins to build within me.

He moves his hand from my back before slamming it back down on my ass and grabbing it tightly in his hand before beginning to thrust up inside of me.

"Oh my fuck, Rio!" I scream in pleasure as I soak him in my juices.

He lets me regain control after riding out my orgasm but keeps his hand gripping the flesh of my ass as he helps push me down harder onto his cock as I fuck him until I'm orgasming again.

"Fuck, Mami. We're going to need to speed this up, we're getting close." Rio groans as he turns off the highway and onto the road.

"Fuck." I groan not wanting to stop just yet, but I suppose I had got off enough times to hold me off for a little longer.

I slam down on him harder and quicker and as I'm close to reaching my final peak, Rio quickly thrust up into me and quickly pounds into me before I feel his cum begin shooting into me and heating up my already hot core. I moan in pleasure at the sensation before screaming his name as my juices flowed, dripping with every thrust before me and Rio both still ourselves. He continues to drive, rubbing my lower back as I struggled to catch my breath, slouched against him.

After a few more minutes, I finally manage to get myself off of him and back into my seat with trembling legs.

"Feel better now?" Rio asks with a smirk as he reaches over and places his hand on my thigh again.

"Yes." I breathe out.

"Not completely satisfied just yet though. We are definitely finishing up after this, this was more than enough to tie me over though." I say and he chuckles.

"Well... we still have 10 more minutes." he says and before I can respond, his hand moves back up my thigh and he begins to slowly rub at my overly sensitive clit.

"Rio." I moan and I reach out to grab his wrist to stop him but he only continued, slowly adding more pressure and speed.

"Rio." I moaned louder as my body began to twist and jerk in pleasure.

I was so sensitive and the pleasure was more intense than ever, I knew it wasn't going to be long before I came again and I was still trying to recover and compose myself before we relaxed.

"RIO!" I screamed in pleasure as a simple pinch and tug to my clit was all that it took to send my juices shooting out of me and my body shake with pleasure.

He runs his finger down in between my soaking folds, capturing the wetness before placing his finger into his mouth and sucking it clean.

"Just wait until I can really get a taste of your sweet pussy, you'll be screaming my name for the rest of the night." he tells me with a smirk and I suck in a sharp breath at the thought.

"Fuck, Rio." I moan as I try to get sex off my mind.

"Don't tease me anymore or I'll make you pull this damn car over." I state and he chuckles before placing both his hands back on the wheel.

As we reach the house that once housed our rat and now Tomas, I let out a sigh as I reached down to pick up my thong. I pull it back on and smooth my dress back out before quickly checking my hair in the mirror.

My cheeks are flushed and my bottom lip swollen, but other than that I was doing pretty okay.

"Come on." Rio says and I shoot my head to the right to see Rio standing next to me with my door already opened.

"When did you..." I begin to question and he rolls his eyes.

"Let's go." he simply states grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

We make our way inside the house with Rio leading the way before beginning to make our way down into the basement.

I see one of Rio's head men filled with tattoos and wearing a black leather jacket and black beanie standing there with his arms crossed.

"In there." he tells Rio, nodding to one of the doors.

We make our way over and as Rio opens the door, he completely stops in place.

Frowning, I move so I can see what's got him frozen and as I take in the sight before us, a painful gasp leaves my throat.


Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now