Chapter 10

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I dumped Eddy's car before lock-picking a small used car dealership and taking one of their cars, leaving the full cost of the car and a couple extra thousand to keep quiet in an envelope on the manager's desk before finally making my way home. I make my way into the apartment and see a note on the table.

Had to do a run for Rio, got your favorite in the freezer and 3 joints in the container on the balcony. Love you ~Eddy.

I open the freezer to see my favorite coconut rum and smile before grabbing it and some orange and fixing myself up a drink. I go out onto the balcony and open our little box and grab one of the joints lighting it up before pulling my phone out of my pocket and sending a quick text to Rio.

Going to take a little longer than planned, I'll keep you posted. Also any idea when Eddy will be back from his job? Just wondering if I should wait up or not, he never said~ Roxie

Might want to keep an eye on your precious little boyfriend because I can assure you he isn't on no job for me, the only jobs I'm running right now is taking care of rats and you're doing that for me.~ Rio

As I read the message I quickly frown. Since when did Eddy start lying to me? Better yet... how long has been lying to me? Most importantly, why the fuck was he lying to me?!

The more I thought about it, the madder I got.

I quickly track his phone and as soon as I have the location, I make my way back to my new car and head straight there. I pull up in front of an apartment building complex and I sit there and watch until I finally see Eddy, except instead of him coming out the front door, he's coming out of a balcony door with a blonde right behind him. I watch as smoke a joint together and laugh and right when I think I'm about to lose it I watch as he pulls her into a kiss. I blink my eyes a few times making sure I'm not seeing things and sure enough their lips are still pressed against one another. My grip tightens on the steering wheel and I take a deep breath before speeding away and heading back to my apartment. I poor myself another drink and slam it back before making my way into the bedroom.

I begin grabbing all of his stuff and load after load I take them out and throw them over the balcony until the only things left are my belongings and furniture. I grab my rum and go and sit back out on my balcony and begin slamming it back straight from the bottle. I drink and drink only taking breaks to smoke weed in between until all the joints are gone and the bottle is nearly empty.

I felt good. Too good. Now all I needed was a good fuck and I knew just who to call.

Come to mine? I could use a good time.~Roxie

Be there in 15~Rio

I smirk before finishing the rest of my rum and stumbling my way back into the apartment. I throw the bottle into my recycle bin and unlock my door before making my way into the bathroom for a quick shower. Once I'm finished I walk out completely nude and sure enough Rio's standing right by my bedroom door.

I watch as his eyes roam up my body and as our eyes meet I can see his are full of lust.

"I thought you would never get here." I say with a smirk.

"I thought you would never get out of that shower... but now that you are, I can't wait to have my way with you." he replies back with a smirk.

"Then what are you for." I reply lustfully.

He discards his shirt before making his way towards me. He scoops me up into his arms, carrying me over to the kitchen island and placing me down against the cold surface making goosebumps travel up my skin and my tits harden, as if they weren't hard enough already.

"Fuck you're so sexy, it never fails to entice me." he murmurs as he begins kissing down my neck.

He trails his kisses over my chest, taking turns between pulling my tits into his mouth. He kneads at my right breast as he swirls his tongue and nips at the left before switching. As wetness begins to slow drip down my thigh, Rio dips his hand down, gazing his hand over my heat.

"Fuck your already soaking." he groans huskily.

He pushes me down against the island so that my bare back is now pressed against the cold surface before kissing down my flat stomach. As he reaches the tip of my pussy, I let out a whimper, needing him to touch it where I want it most.

He chuckles huskily as he pulls back and begins placing kisses on the inside of my thigh, as soon as he reaches my heat he switches to the other leg making me groan.

"Pleaseee." I moan not wanting to be teased anymore.

"Please what?" he asks with a smirk.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now