Chapter 9

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I sat in Eddy's car and watched as my new target walked out of his apartment building and got into what I could presume was his vehicle. I waited for him to pull out onto the street before slowly making my way out behind him. I still wasn't quite sure how I was taking this guy out but I definitely wasn't going to rush it.

I followed him onto the freeway and into the next city that I always tried to avoid, but this was my job and wither I liked it or not, I would stay in it until he left. I continued to follow him as he made several turns until he turned down an all too familiar road. I slowed my car down, falling behind just enough so I could still see him and shut my headlights off, knowing if he caught on to me, he would get suspicious.

There wasn't very many places on this road, but the ones that were, were all drug mob related. This whole road and all the small side streets were all owned by none other than my drug lord uncle. Also arch nemesis to my father. Both of them trying to take over the state and constantly warring with one another. I hated them both but I hated my uncle most of all. The only reason he was still breathing was because his army was too large for me to take on alone but it was my goal one day to take his last breath.

I watched as my target turned straight onto the one street I was hoping he wouldn't go down and instead of turning down it as well, I continued going straight till I got to the darkest, most deserted part of the street before quickly picking up my phone and calling Rio.

"Roxie, how nice of you to call. I must say, you had it done much faster than I expected." he says as he picks up the phone.

"You want to tell me why your little ratty minion is at one of the biggest drug lords houses right now?" I hiss.

"Which one is that?" he asks with a chuckle.

"Tomas Tortellini." I state and I hear as he begins to laugh like a maniac.

"What the fuck is funny about this?!" I yell into the phone.

"He's even more of a rat then I thought. Change of plans my dear. I no longer want this man dead, I want him brought to me." he tells me and now it's my turn to laugh.

"I'm an assassin, not your personal delivery man." I tell him.

"Oh I can assure you, I still want him dead. I just want to have a little chat with him first." he replies.

"First off, you never told me why he's here and second off, I don't get involved with Tortellini mobs." I tell him.

"I'll pay double." he tells me.

"No." I state.

"Triple." he says.

"No, Rio." I tell him annoyed.

"Quadruple? " he says and I let out a sigh.

"Do you even have that much?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Of course. Now is that a deal?" he asks.

"Before I answer, tell me why he's here first." I reply.

"I originally hired him to get me in touch with Alessandro Tortellini, he was supposed to help set up a meeting but he kept telling me that Alessandro wouldn't be interested in striking a deal with me and wouldn't set it up so I got in contact with another one of Alessandro's members, he told me about how this guy had been kicked out of the mob for being a rat, now it makes sense and I need to know exactly what he's been telling Tomas before he's killed." he tells me and I groan.

"Have my money ready for me in cash." I tell him and he chuckles.

"Of course my sweet little assassin." he says and I can hear his smirk through his voice but before I can give him a snarky response I see headlights coming straight my way.

"Shit." I say before hanging up quickly.

Do I take my chances and whip out of here or take my chances with an excuse? Or maybe just take the simple chance that just MAYBE they wouldn't even bother with me. This was something I hadn't exactly prepared for. The only thing I had to use to my advantage was a knife... I look around the car quickly and I quickly open up the armrest compartment in between the seats where I find Eddy's gun.

Here goes nothing.

I wrap my hand around the gun and place my finger on the trigger. I quickly hit the window button so that it starts to go down by itself before slamming on the gas. As I fly by the car I quickly fire off the gun, hitting 2 of the tires before focusing my attention solely on the road. I hit the button for the window again so it goes back up as I push down harder on the gas, speeding away as fast as possible.

As long as I got on the main street I would be okay, it was just a matter of getting there. Thankfully the road is clear and as I see headlights begin to shine through my mirrors from behind me, I simply push the gas straight to the floor, going as fast as this car can go and despite the fact that everything is now a fast blur, I quickly notice the lights disappear and before I know it I'm on the main road and quickly making my way back to the freeway but instead of making my way back, I make my way to the next city.

It was going to be a long night, but it was worth the money. I just hoped I didn't get myself caught by the end of it or I would never get to enjoy it. There was a reason I changed my name to Alannah James and why I would never go back to Daphne Alannah Tortellini and why no one could ever find out who I really was.

*Things are going to be heating up in the next couple chapters so get ready! Also will be updating every monday*~Naughty_Temptations

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