Chapter 29

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~Rio's P.O.V~

I woke up to a hard hit to the chest and quickly jerked up to see my little mami thrashing around on the bed.

"No... no... stop... please..." her lips trembled and I frowned.

"Mami wake up." I tell her giving her a small shake but she doesn't respond.

"No... NO....NO!" she suddenly screams making me jerk back but I quickly lean back and shake her harder.

"ROXIE! DAPHNE! LANA! WHATEVER THE FUCK! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I yell and I hear a loud gasp before her whole body jolts up with her head ramming straight into mine.

"Fuck." I hiss in pain as I lean back.

"What's going on?" she asks panic lacing her voice.

"You were having a nightmare and I couldn't wake your violent ass up." I groan and i hear her suck in sharp breath.

"Sorry." she murmurs softly.

"Are you alright?" I ask after a few minutes of silent and she nods her head.

"When did we end up here?" she asks looking around and realizing were in her room.

"Well you kind of soaked my bed." I say and I see a blush rise on her cheeks.

"Right." she murmurs and I chuckle.

"Want to talk about the dream?" I ask as I lean back against the headboard and she sits there silently, likely contemplating her answer.

"No... but it might be a good time to. Considering the bad dream was more like a terrible memory." she murmurs and without a thought I reach towards her and pull her back against my chest.

"What are..." she begins to question and I roll my eyes.

"I think were both past questioning the odd things we do with each other. Now tell me." I say and she lets out a small chuckle.

"I guess we kind of are." she says before taking a deep breath.

"It was the memory of my mother's death... also the memory of what triggered this need for revenged against Tomas." she says and I gently stroke her hair, knowing this wasn't going to be a good story by any means.

"Take your time, I'll save any questions for the end." I tell her softly and she looks up at me with a small smile before looking back down and tracing the outline of my heads as her head laid against my chest.

"When I was 13, my uncle, Tomas. Kidnapped both my mother and me. He wanted to use us against my father and although you might think that would have worked, my father was not as willing as he had thought. My mother and I were kept in a room together, limited to everything except bare necessities. It was like that for a couple months until one day, Tomas came in with a few of his men and dragged us down to his basement to one of his torture rooms. My mother was the one to get most of what happened in that room, with him taking videos and sending it to my father HOPING that one would be the kicker, and to a small degree it was." she begins to say before taking a deep breath.

"My father decided to retaliate by taking HIS wife. He raped, torture and killed her when Tomas didn't give us up, hoping that would show Tomas how serious he was. Except all that did, was infuriate him. He went from a monster to the pure devil. He had loved his wife, the only women he ever loved for that matter. It was the mother to his only child. So he did the next big then that he thought would hurt my father. He had my innocence taken from me by not one but two of his men, filmed the whole thing, and killed my mother in front of my eyes after forcing her to watch the whole ordeal." she continues, her voice shaking at the end.

"I'm so sorry, Mami." I murmur softly as I felt a pang in my own chest.

I held her tightly against me, wishing I could take that pain away but I knew something so traumatizing could never be taken away. It's no wonder she drinks and smokes as much as she does. No wonder she ended up being in this profession at such a young age.

I heard her swallow back a sob before continuing.

"From that moment on, something changed me. The pain from having to hear my mother beg them not to violate me, to the pain of it happening to the biggest pain of watching her get murdered in front of my eyes right after experiencing the worst experience of my life. Right when I needed her most for comfort and safety. They took her away and still... my father... did not come get me right away." she says, a sob escaping her this time.

I do my best to try and comfort her, stroking her hair and whispering sweet comforting words and placing soft kisses on her head and squeezing her life my life depended on it.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now