Chapter 7

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He fucked me hard. He fucked me good. He made me soak his cock with my juices as he repeatedly made me cum. He pulled my hair and smacked my ass and as much as I didn't want to admit it, this man was a god in the bedroom... and the man to give me the best sex of my life. I could only imagine being high and fucking him... I don't think I would be able to handle it... the heightened feelings and sensations... just the thought alone sent a shiver down my spine.

Unfortunately though, I had to push the thoughts aside and get my head back in the game. I still had jobs to do and a boyfriend waiting for me to get home. So as Rio went into his bathroom to shower, I fixed myself back up and stole his keys, heading straight to his car.

I quickly opened up the garage door before jumping into his car and throwing my bag in the back and adjusting the seat before going to buckle up when I hear

"OH FUCK NO!" he shouts racing towards the car.

I quickly shove the keys into the ignition and I quickly begin to back out but not before Rio rips open the passenger door and jumps into the car.

"Get out of my car bitch!" he yells at me as he quickly shuts his door so it doesn't get banged through the garage doorway.

"Sorry about this." I quickly say as I slam on the brakes and quickly clock him in head, knocking him out.

As much as I wanted to throw his dumbass in the trunk, I really didn't have the time. So I quickly grab my bag and tie his wrists and ankles up good before sliding some glasses on his eyes and buckling him up.

"Perfect." I say with a giggle before slamming on the gas and hitting the road.


As I neared one of my father's workshops, I quickly pulled over to blindfold a still unconscious Rio, just to be safe before pulling up to the average sized house. Just instead of a family living there, it was one of my father's many drug factories.

I'm here, bring it to the car, please.- D

I quickly text to my sister and sure enough within a few minutes I watch as my older sister walks out of the house and over to the car. I roll down the window as she hands me a purse.

"Guessing you can't stay long?" she states already knowing and I nod my head.

"Unfortunately not. I'm free Thursday." I say and she grins.

"Me to! Come stop by the house and visit, okay? Ant misses you." she says and I pout.

"I miss him too, tell him his favorite auntie will be there by lunch time with a surprise and that I will spend the day with him." I tell her and she smiles.

"I will, be safe, okay?" she says narrowing her eyes a bit, making me roll mine in return.

"Of course, love you and thank you." I say and she leans in to peck my cheek.

"Love you too. See you Thursday." she says and I blow her a kiss goodbye before hitting the road once more.

"You and your sister are seriously fucked. I thought maybe you were just the crazy one but clearly she is too considering she didn't even question the fact that I'm sitting right next to you, tied up and blind folded." I hear Rio say irritatedly, making me jump a bit as I didn't realize he had woken up.

"She's not fucked, we are just use to having a crazy family and she is fully aware of what I do for a living. Nothing surprises her when it comes to me." I reply curtly.

"Right so do you always fuck guys and steal their cars?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"Does it matter? I needed a car and I'll be damned if someone denies me using one even if it is theirs. I'm only borrowing it." I say.

"Stealing not borrowing. Can you remove the blindfold now?" he groans.

"In a minute." I say before pulling up around the corner of my target's house.

I park the car, turning off all the lights before pulling off Rio's blindfold.

"I'm going to untie you but listen very clearly. You move and I will kill you. Understand?" I tell him, looking straight into his eyes and being 100% serious.

"Got it, Roxs." he replies with a mischievous smirk.

"I'm not fucking around Rio. I take my job very seriously and if you want yours done and if you want to keep breathing, you will sit here until I come back." I tell him.

"Okay, Mami. Chill. I'll be here. Don't be long. I got shit to do to." he says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm an assassin, Rio. I'm about to murder someone and not get caught. Don't fucking rush me. That's how fuck ups happen and I'm not going to fucking prison because I speeded up my revenge for a dumbass like you. Also don't call me, Mami. My name is Roxie to you and nothing but." I hiss at him feeling extremely irritated.

I quickly grab my bag and the keys from the ignition before cutting one of Rio's hands free.

"I'm sure you can manage the rest. Next time don't piss me off and I'll be nicer and free both hands. See you soon." I say with a smirk before getting out of his car and making my way to my target's house.

Time to get my mind in focus and get this job and my revenge done with.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now