Chapter 39

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"Oh, Eddy..." I murmur as my heart breaks at the sight of him.

"What. The. Fuck. Happened." Rio mutters out deadly calm.

I look over to see his body trembling, his eyes deadly looking but his lips are shut calmly.

"Tomas managed to get out... I got here just in time but he had already had his way with him." the guy replies.

"Where is he now?" I hiss, ready to get my revenge and finish him off for good.

"I did what I had to do. He was out of control. I either took him out or he took me out and got away." the guy responded and my eyes widen.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I yell furiously.

"I shot him. He's dead." the guy responded and as I go to charge at him, Rio wraps his arms tightly around me holding me back.

"Let me go." I hiss.

"He's one of my most trusted men, I need him now more than ever by my side." Rio tells me calmly.

"He" I begin to start but he whipped me around and slammed me up against the wall.

A gasp left my lips completely taken a back and before I could even fly off at him he smashed his lips against mine. I tried to fight him off but he only kissed me deeper and within a matter of minutes I was sucked into his trap.

I reached out, grabbing tightly to his shirt and pulling him closely and as I went to reach for the button of his pants he pulled away from me.

"Not yet, Mami. Jack, get me a fat joint rolled." Rio says never taking his eyes off me.

The guy, Jack didn't even reply and I watched as he walked back up the stairs.

As I open my mouth to point out I know what the fuck he just did and did not approve, he shut me back up by placing his lips back onto mine. He pulls away for a moment, letting go my arms and instead pinning both of my wrists above my head.

I breathe heavily as he holds my wrist with one hand before trailing the other down my dress. He pulls me into another heated kiss as his hand pushes my thighs apart, pushing my dress up and he pushes my thong apart with his hand before dipping two fingers deep into my wet core.

I moan against his lips and he thrusts his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance as he pumps deeply into me. As he hits my spot, he immediately dominates my tongue as I go weak in the knees and he tightens his grip on my wrists. My pussy clenches tightly around his fingers as I get close to hitting my peak and he thrusts his fingers faster and harder into me until I'm cumming all over his fingers and dripping onto the floor.

He lets me ride out my orgasm before removing his fingers and sucking them clean of my juices and he drops my wrists as we hear the basement door open back up. I lean back against the wall out of breath as Rio quickly pulls my dress back down before grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the wall.

I stumble a bit but he wraps his arm around me as Jack reaches the bottom before turning towards us.

"Here you go." he says handing Rio a large thick joint and a lighter.

"Thank you, we will be back in a few minutes." Rio tells him before taking us over to the stairs.

He keeps his arm around me which I'm grateful for as we make our way up the stairs and I do my best to walk normally despite the slight tremble in my legs. As soon as we reach the top, he scoops me up and carries me through the main floor and up another flight of stairs before taking me into a large bedroom and setting me down on the queen size bed.

I watch as he lights the joint up before handing it to me.

"Puff on that, I'll be right back." he tells me and I let out a sigh but do it anyway.

I watch as he walks into another ensuite room that looks to be a bathroom and within a few minutes I can hear water running.

I smoke half of the joint by myself before he finally walks back into the room.

He scoops me up into his arms again and I place the joint to his lips and he eagerly takes a puff as I hold it for him.

He takes me into the bathroom and we switch between holding the joint as he removes my clothes before placing me into a steamy bubbly bath.

"Are you coming in with me?" I ask softly as I relaxed within the warmth of the water.

"Not yet, I want you to stay in here and relax and wait until I come get you. Understood?" he asks and I let out a small sigh.

"Fine... but only because this joint is starting to hit me and between our car ride, our moment downstairs and this I suddenly feel really tired." I murmur as I let him finish the joint.

"In that case, you can only leave to go lay in the bed, but just stay in the main room." he says and I nod my head.

"Yes sir." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Be good and I'll reward you." he says and I smile.

"I look forward to it." I say before shutting my eyes and letting the warmth sooth me.

After a few minutes I hear him leave the room and I soak in the water until it begins to cool before getting out, drying off and walking into the bedroom and passing out on the bed with only the blanket to cover my nude body.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now