Chapter 24

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"I have a plan, to get in with Tomas and become his second in command and be the one who takes over if anything were to happen to him. Then of course, with the help of my lovely sweet girl here, we will have a fatal incident happen to him and I shall fully take over and we shall merge both groups together. All I ask in return is that when it happens, we become equal partners and 1 united front and expand the business in the future." he tells father.

"That, my son. Is quite the proposition. I don't think a man has ever made one as large as you, most wouldn't dare even risk it. Asking equal partnership is not something I would normally consider, but let me ask you this. Would my daughter be involved as well and how much so? She left us as you know after everything that happened and she made it very clear she would never be back in this again and I'm wondering what your guys future looks like with this." he replies and this time I'm speechless.

I had absolutely no clue how to answer, he had a valid question and me and Rio were playing into a huge lie that I was beginning to think we may have played in too far.

"We have talked a bit about it and at this point she supports me but does not want to be more involved than that. She wants to be my wife and only my wife and I will respect that choice and if she ever wishes to change that I will respect that as well." Rio answers after a moment and I quickly take a large gulp of my whisky to prevent myself from dropping my jaw.

This man had of taken acting class... or done this too often.

"May I get a refill?" I pipe up as I finish my drink.

"Of course." My father replies and I quickly get up and poor myself another, this time filling the glass.

"Thirsty, sweetheart?" Rio asks too sweetly as I go and sit back down.

"Just trying to erase the memories from earlier." I lie.

"I sincerely apologize for that. I was most certainly unprepared and it's time to make sure no more incidents like that happen again. That being said. I accept your proposal Rio but I have my own terms for when it comes to equal partnership." father says and a small smile pulls at my lips.

We had actually pulled this off...Well I guess Rio mostly did.

"What might that be sir?" Rio asks narrowing his eyes a bit.

"If you get all that done, I will give you 45% partnership, final decisions will still be made by me. Once you and my daughter get legally married and survive the first year of marriage, then I shall give you complete equal partnership." Father states and the smile on my face completely drops.

We were definitely screwed now. Rio was going to have to accept the 45% and just hope in the future that my father eventually changed his mind.

"We've got a deal." Rio states and I nearly spit out my drink.

He better hope my father doesn't kill him for lying and that he has an amazing break up story to tell him that will convince him he was still worthy of father's trust.

Then again this was the same Rio that had lied his way in this far so if anyone could pull it off, it was going to be him.

"Let's make a toast. To the future of the Tortellini's." My father says raising his glass with a satisfied grin on his face.

"To the Tortellini's." I cheer quietly with Rio cheering with the happiest grin on his face.

We have a few more drinks before my father decides to offer Rio a tour of the first floor where everything is kept and done.

"I think I'm going to just wait upstairs if you don't mind, I'm craving for a cigarette." I say as they both get up to go.

"Of course." father says and Rio walks my way and places a kiss on my forehead to my surprise.

"See you in a few minutes, honey." he tells me with a sweet smile and I give him one back in return.

I watch as he makes his way back over to my father, looking back to shoot me a wink but with my father's eyes on me, I couldn't react the way I so badly wanted to so instead I turn around and go to the other elevator and make my way back up to the main floor.

I make my way out to the all too familiar back porch that I use to sneak out on in the middle of the night as a teenage to get high and jump up and sit on the railing.

I pull out a cigarette and joint from my purse and stick them both between my lips, lighting them both up. I alternate between the two until they're both finished before just sitting and dangling my feet, kicking them back and forth over the ground below as I looked up at the stars.

Night had come too fast but I was also glad because it was an excuse to get out of here soon.

"Better be careful, Mami. Long way down and you're far from sober." Rio's familiar voice pipes up from behind me, nearly making me jump off the railing myself.

"Creeping up on me is likely to do more damage." I reply annoyed without even looking back at him."

"Figured for an assassin you would have heard me coming." he replies with a chuckle and I roll my eyes.

"Ready to go?" I ask.

"If you are." he replies and I huff as I turn around and jump back down on the deck.

I walk right past him, through the house and out the door. I get in the car without even saying goodbye and not even caring. We got what we needed, now it was time for what I needed.

Home. More weed. More drinks. A good night sleep.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now