Chapter 33

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I woke up to a pounding like no hangover I had ever had before and let out a loud groan as I went to move onto my side, my eyes jolt open as I notice what's beneath me is far from my bed, it's cold and extremely flat and hard. I look down to see I'm lying on a concrete flooring.

I snap my head up gazing around to find I'm literally in a room with absolutely nothing but a concrete floor and thin wood chip walls.

As I go to push myself into a sitting position, I notice that something doesn't feel quite right around my hands and look down to see rope wrapped them, keeping them a certain distance apart but nothing more than that.

I shut my eyes, trying to focus on what exactly what happened and after a long few minutes of lots of pain it finally comes back to me.

"ANT! ANTHONY! CAN YOU HEAR ME!" I scream as loud as I can as I push myself up off the floor.

I stagger on my feet but making my way over to the door and begin to twisting to find it locked.

"ANTHONY!" I scream again.

"DAPH! DAPHNE!" I hear in response.

"CALLA?!" I scream horrified.

"THEY HAVE ANT!" she yells back and my heart sinks to my stomach.

"WHO?" I yell back.

"TOMAS!" she yells and my mood quickly changes.

Fury like never before begins to burn through me like flames erupting through my skin. My vision, now far from clear and the only thing on my mind is death. Faint deja vu is hitting me from being in this position before, but now I was older, I had already lost my mother and now I had my pregnant sister and nephew and that was making me angrier then anything I had every felt before. This disgusting monster had already burned me in too many ways and now here I was in his hands with him trying to do it again.

He had gotten to me first.

I was going to make him pay.

Without another thought, I let my anger and instinct completely overtake me. I begin slamming into the wall next to the door, which thanks to the wood chip wasn't hard to start breaking through.

Within minutes, two large men rush into the room and I quickly pounce onto one of them, wrapping my rope cuffed hands around his neck and cutting his airways off.

I kick behind me, hitting the other guy in the nuts. He stumbles back before charging back towards me and I quickly moves my hands to elbow this guy roughly in the face before going back to this guy's neck.

From there, things move quickly. The first man dies from suffocation while the other dies after me getting hold of the first man's gun. I then get my hands free with one of their knives before collecting all 4 guns, 2 knives and 2 phones they had between of them. Tucking all but two guns into my pants, I begin my search for Calla.

One by one, I open every door, killing most but releasing a few until I found my sister.

"Here's a phone and a gun, call Mateo, stay here unless it becomes unsafe. I'll be back and don't worry I'll find Ant." I tell her quickly handing the things over.

"Daph, wait." she starts to say but I shake my head.

"I love you." is the last thing I say before making my way up the nearest steps.

Opening the door, I was quickly met with two more men who I shot without a thought, taking their guns as well.

I knew the ends and outs of this building and by my guess, if Anthony wasn't down there, he was most likely in the living quarters. Knowing Tomas, he was doing his first phase, getting Anthony to trust him, telling him it's family, giving him everything he wanted, keeping him busy. It's the second phase when things begin to go wrong and I would damned if that was ever going to happen to Anthony. So long as I live, I would not let it happen and even though I was thrown off, even though Tomas thought he was a step ahead. He was about to find out just how wrong he really was.

He was an amateur compared to me.

He fucked with the wrong the bitch at the wrong time and he made the wrong move when he decided that taking Anthony and Calla was a good idea.

As I reached the end of the hallway, I seen the elevator, quickly going inside and hitting the button for the top floor. As it began to rise, of course the occasion stop would come, but I quickly took care of that with a couple bullets until I made my way to the top.

As soon as I heard the ding, I tucked my gun behind me, not wanting to scare Anthony but unless needing to be prepared before beginning to make my way into the large living space.

Unfortunately to my dismay, not one was in sight so I continued until I found the hall way which had a couple guest bedrooms. I opened the first to find it empty, the second and third both the same but when I opened the 4th I finally found my little Ant.

"Aunt Daph!" he cheers and I quickly flash a smile.

"Hey buddy. We're going to play a game of hide and seek, okay?" I tell him as I enter the room quickly.

"Sure! Do you want me to hide?" he asks and I nod my head.

"Just this time, I'm going to show you the best hiding spot and I want you to wait there until I come seek you out, okay?" I say and he nods his head.

"Great, come with me." I tell him.

I lead him out of the room and into the kitchen and make my way over to one of the large bottom cupboards, moving everything out of the way before beckoning him over.

"Hide in here, don't come out until I get you okay?" I say and he nods his eyes looking a bit worried.

"By the way, do you know where Tomas is?" I ask.

"He said he had to go to his office." Ant says quietly.

"Okay, I'll be back, also here, download whatever you want to play." I tell him passing him the extra phone.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now