Chapter 18

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After having my second drink, I excused myself to the bathroom and immediately locked the main bathroom door behind me before pulling my phone out and calling Rio.

"Take this call in your car to be safe." I tell him quietly as soon as he answers.

"One moment, Nigel." Rio tells me and I hear as he politely excuses himself the table.

I stand there and turn the sink on to give some extra noise to the bathroom.

"What's going on?" Rio asks after a few minutes.

"I think our best chance right now of getting you in business with my father is to keep up the act. At-least until after the job is done, then we can just make it look like we separated. We can make myself look like the one who wanted to end it so that it doesn't backfire after either." I tell him quietly.

"Deal." he simply replies.

"Perfect. I'm going to go back to the table, wait a few minutes and keep faking a conversation on the phone incase my father decides to watch the security camera's outside then make your way back inside. Dinner is just about finished and my sister will definitely be leaving with my nephew, we will then discus the business arrangement." I tell him.

"I think we should wait. Let's give it a bit of time, give me a chance to earn his trust and then bring it up." he tells me and I groan.

"Rio you know how I feel about this." I say.

"Just trust me, Mami. Play the long game. You should know better than me that gets you the safer ending." he tells me and I sigh.

"Fine, but what are we going to do with the rat? Tomas will be wanting to know." I reply.

"I will have it covered and taken care of. Now get your sexy ass back to the table." he tells me and I roll my eyes before hanging up the phone.

I make my way out of the bathroom and back to the table where my sister informs me that Rio left for a business call.

"Should we order desert?" Calla asks thoughtfully and I chuckle.

"I think I personally will pass, this pasta was very filling." I say with a small smile.

Calla turns towards me with a very evident frown.

"You barely ate." she murmurs and I just laugh it off.

"I had a big late lunch, I'm going to take it home to finish later." I lie.

Truth was If it was poisoned I figured a small amount is better than the full one.

"Sorry about that." Rio says walking back into the room and sitting back down.

"No problem, when business calls, you must answer." My father says with a small smirk.

"So are we doing desert, sweetheart?" Rio asks me and it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes.

"I'm quite fine, thank you." I say nicely with my fakest smile.

We spend about 15 more minutes at the restaurant before finally saying our goodbyes and leaving.

'Fuck that was brutal." I groan as we drive away from the restaurant.

"I actually thought it was quite good." Rio says smirking and I roll my eyes.

"Sorry I'm not as good of an actor as you." I state and he chuckles.

"You might be the better killer but I've got this better then you." he says grinning and I shoot him a punch to the shoulder.

"There's better things I can do then you asides from killing, thank you very much." I hiss.

"Of course, riding and sucking dick is also another specialty of yours." he says smirking and I punch his shoulder.

"More than that too, dick. Now can you drop me off at that bar across the way here?" I ask as we get close to it.

"No more getting drunk by yourself in your apartment?" he asks chuckling and I flip him the finger.

"I love doing that, I just don't feel like getting going to the liquor store and then walking to my place. The bar I can just sit and get drunk." I explain and he chuckles more.

"What if I have a better offer?" he suggest and I raise a brow at him.

"Like what?" I ask.

"I have a mini bar at my place and dope. I can hook you up." he suggests.

"Now why would you do that?" I ask curiously.

"It's least I can do since you did come through with getting me in touch with your father. Plus we should go over basic questions incase your brother in law or father questions us more indepthly." he explains and I let a sigh.

"I suppose your right. You're preparing drinks and rolling though." I reply and he nods his head.

"You're pushing it, but alright." he says and I smirk.

We make our way straight to his place and as soon as I get there I go to his bathroom to remove my wig and all the cover-up over my tattoos. Once I'm finished I tuck the wig into my purse before making my way back to the living room where a drink was already sitting on the coffee table for me.

I drop my purse onto the couch and pick up the drink before making my way over to the balcony where Rio was already standing with a joint and drink in hand.

"To money and a badass partnership." Rio toasts with a smirk.

"To money." I toast in return, winking in return.

We bump our glasses together before downing them.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now