Chapter 42

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A whole two months has passed since I watched Eddy's body get buried and honestly I could barely wrap my head around how it had passed so fast. A full 60 days and all I could think of them was a lot sex and a lot of drinking. What was happening in between was a great question. I couldn't even remember how we ended up living in the house we did now, but I wasn't complaining, it was amazing. It definitely was luxurious to say the least with everything you could ever dream of, including a gym, office, hot and pool.

"Mami? Are you almost done?" I hear Rio's familiar voice call from outside of the glass shower door, quickly pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes." I quickly reply, finishing up before stepping out.

Wrapping my hair up, I dried my body before pulling a quick outfit on and then quickly drying my hair and throwing it into a messy bun.

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I put a little lipstick on but that was all, my whole family at this point, including my family and gang seen all my tattoos and hair color. There was no more hiding my real appearance. I was simply just Daphne Tortellini now. New and improved with the side of a silent killer.

"Go start the car! I'll be down in a sec!" I call out to him and I hear him go down the stairs and out to the garage.

I make my way down to the little bar in the office which was much closer than the basement where the larger one was located and slam back a quick drink before lighting a cigarette up and making my way to the garage.

I get in the car with the window down and Rio pulls out and begins heading to my father's house.

"I can't remember... is this a family dinner or a meeting?" I ask as I finished the cigarette and plopped some mint gum into my mouth.

He looks over at me briefly before turning back towards the road.

"Both." he responds tightly after a minute and I let out a sigh.

"What could my sister possibility be doing in the business right now?" I grumble and he reaches over and laces his fingers through mine.

"Everything will be fine." he simply responds and I roll my eyes.

We listen to music until we arrive and Rio comes over and helps me out of the car. Keeping his fingers laced with mine, I quickly realize I forgot to wear my ring.

"Shit." I murmur.

"Hm?" he asks and I let out a sigh.

"I forgot to put the ring on." I reply.

"It's fine, forgetting one time won't cause suspicion." he reassures me.

We make our way inside and my sister waddles her away over and I can't help but let out a small chuckle.

"Loos like my little niece is growing wonderfully. How many weeks are you now?" I ask and she gives me a small frown.

"32... you know I just told you that a few days ago, right?" she mumbles and I let out a small laugh.

"Of course! I just forgot, a lot on the mind. You understand?" I say and she nods before pulling away.

I nod at my father before stepping by him and hugging Mateo.

We make our way to the dining room and as we all sit down I notice my nephew is nowhere around.

"Where's my little Ant?" I ask with a frown.

"With Mateo's mom." Calla says and I nod.

I got a glass of tequila with my food and all was good making small talk until the main dish was done and we were all waiting on the desert.

"So, Daphne. There's something we all would like to talk to you about." Calla begins to say making me frown.

"Okay..." I murmur.

"We noticed these last few months, you haven't been... yourself." she continues cautiously and I quirk a brow.

"Where is this heading?" I ask tired of waiting out what the goal of this was.

"Refill?" the waitor suddenly asks and I nod my head.

He takes my glass, filling it up before placing it back down and I immediately take a sip.

"We think you have a drinking problem." she states and my eyes widen.

"I do not." I state harshly and she lets out a sigh.

"That's what they all say at first, Daph." she murmurs and I shake my head.

"You've got it all wrong. I haven't just been drinking more than normal." I say.

"Yes, which you already drank a decent amount on a daily as it was, now it's out of control." she states and I begin to open my mouth but Rio suddenly cuts me off.

"Mami, listen. You know I'm your number 1 and my sexy partner in crime but she's right, it is out of hand." he states and I quickly slam back my drink.

"I've had enough of this, I'm leaving." I say as I go to stand up but suddenly the world spins so I sit back down.

"You're going to rehab." my father states.

"HELL NO I'M NOT!" I yell and suddenly Rio lets out a deep dark chuckle.

"Oh yes, you are. You thank that last drink for that." he states and I get up again to try to leave but as soon as I turn to make the first step, the world spins so fast that it all goes black and the last feel I feel is warm hands grabbing me before I hit the floor.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now