Chapter 23

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After Rio removed, cleaned and bandaged my arm for me, I quickly got cleaned up and we headed straight for my father's for a meeting I was internally praying would go well.

"Hey Rio?" I mumble as we drive.

"Hmm?" he replies.

"I was thinking, it might be best to try and make a deal with my father that if you two work together and you manage to pull this whole thing off that he must agree to be equal partners but for the moment you can be as much as he deems you worth. I think it would work best for him to agree this early on. 50/50 is not something he takes lightly and I think taking over Tomas would be the best proof and exemption to make him agree and I promise he will honor his word." I say.

I look over to his blank face as he simply stays silent for a few minutes before finally responding.

"Alright, Mami. I'll take your word for it." he tells me and I nod my head.

"Just remember, once you're in, it's nearly impossible to get out. It's a dirty world especially with Tomas. It's you and anyone he finds out he can use against you to hurt you in any way." I tell him.

"I got it, Mami. Chill." he says and I roll my eyes.

"Just giving you an important reminder, dick." I grumble under my breath annoyed.

"Should act more ladylike and then you could find yourself a nice rich man to wife you up." he tells me with a smirk and I clench my teeth in irritation.

"You must really be stupid if you think I need a rich man. I'm an assassin how broke do you think I am? Not to mention I'm more then capable of being more then content without a man and without ever getting married." I state pissed.

"Calm down, feisty Mami. We both know you're not the nice rich man type." he replies chuckling.

"Fuck. You." I state deadly calm as I clench my fists.

He continues chuckling and I bite down on my lip tightly to keep myself from continuing to entertain him and quickly dig into my bag, pulling out a joint and quickly placing it between my lips and lighting it up.

"Don't get to high, Mami. We still have an important meeting to attend." he tells me and I roll my eyes as I inhale deeply.

"You... have an important meeting, I'm simply your key in." I correct, blowing the smoke straight at him as I pronounce the U.

"We still have an act to keep up and you need to be able to react and lie quickly when need be." he tells me and I sigh.

"I got it, okay? One joint isn't going to get me so fucked I can't even function, If anything it will loosen me up." I tell him and he simply just looks at me before looking back out the window.

"Left or right?" he questions.

"Right." I reply.

As we pull onto my father's road I quickly finish the joint just in time before pulling up to a larger house secluded within trees and 15 feet between this house and the neighbors.

"Is it wrong to say I expected more?" Rio asks and I laugh.

"This is just a front." I simply reply.

We pull into the driveway, parking in front of the garage.

I suck in a sharp breath as we both get out and make our way into the front door.

"Follow me." I instruct.

I lead him down a flight of stairs and then over what looks to be a large closet door but as I open it I reveal the hidden elevator within.

"After you." I say waving my hand towards it.

"Ladies first." he insists and I roll my eyes but step in first and he follows behind.

I hit the number 2 and instantly the elevator doors shut and we begin to go down.

"Smart." Rio simply comments.

Once we hit the second lower level the door opens and we both step out and into my father's office.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming." Father comments and I do everything in me not to roll my eyes.

"You know women." Rio simply returns the comment.

"Fair. Come have a seat, can I get you a glass of whiskey?" Father says.

"Please." I say before Rio can even answer.

"That would be a pleasure, thank you sir." Rio replies too formally in my opinion.

We both go and have a seat on the small love seat near father's bar. We hands us both a glass half full of whiskey before sitting down across from us with his own.

"So, How do you propose you can help me?" he asks straight to the point.

"Well, Sir. You and I have a common enemy. Tomas Tortellini." Rio states straight forward and my father eye brows quickly raise in question.

"Now how large of an enemy do you consider Tomas? Most don't live long enough to even contemplate having him as an enemy, so how is it that has happened to you?" he questions.

As Rio goes to answer I quickly place a hand on his thigh before cutting him off before he can start.

"Well now, father. He is my fiancé after all. The man I love and am going to marry. The man who knows everything about me and my life." I state simply.

"I see." Father responds as he understands exactly what I'm getting at.

"Pardon me, son. I should have already known. That being said, what do you have in mind?" father says and a small smile pulls at my lips, knowing that this tone of voice was exactly what we needed for him to agree.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now