Chapter 12

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It's been a week since I found out Eddy had cheated on me, deep down I was heartbroken but on the outside? I did my best to keep my player face on. Most of my time was spent drunk or high, especially when I was at my apartment. I invited Rio over a couple more times for a good fuck but asides from that, I was either fucked up and trying to forget the heartache or I was somewhat sober and trying to figure out the best plan. I decided a good hold, hook up and drug up was my best option. After having Rio have one of his men keep tabs on him for the past week sine I needed some personal time, we found out he liked to spend a lot of time at one of the bigger clubs we had around and bringing a lady home at the end of the night seemed to be a priority. He had a thing for blondes and I would make sure I was the best blonde there for him tonight. With a sexy outfit, blonde wig and nicely done make up, including lots of concealer for my tattoos, i was a whole new girl.

I slipped on my heels and grabbed a little black purse before leaving my apartment and making my way down to the main entrance where I found Rio parked and waiting. I smirk at him as I make my way to his car before getting in.

"You got another car there ready for me?" I ask as I shut the door.

"Of course, tinted windows included." he replies.

"Perfect. So where should I meet you?" I ask.

"I have a GPS set up that will take you straight to where I'll be waiting. There will be a garage door, go to it." he tells me and I nod.

"No street cameras in the area right?" I ask and he shoots me a look before rolling his eyes.

"You really think I'm that stupid, bitch?" he questions and this time it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"No shit and I can't afford an ounce of stupidity in this job." I hiss.

He goes to reply but I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt as he slows to a stop in front of the bar.

"Bye." I simply safe, cutting him off before he can even start.

I quickly get out of the car and make my way inside. I make my way towards the bar and I quickly catch the same guy from before across the way sipping on a drink of what looks to be whiskey. I sit down and order myself a drink, making sure I am as flirty as I can be to everyone around me.

I seductively lick the sugar off my glass once it's served before taking a sip through the straw. I flick my eyes across the way seductively to see the man looking straight at me with a smirk.

I give him a flirty smile before giving him my best 'fuck me' eyes and I watch as his smirk widens as he slows gets up and makes his way over to me.

"Can I buy you another drink?" he asks as he sits down next to me.

"I would love that." I purr in response.

I spend the next hour and a half drinking and flirting and making sure to do lots of touchy gestures before inviting him back to my place which he eagerly agrees to. We leave the bar and go to the parking lot where I find a car with a small little smiley face sticker in the back window and instantly know that's the one Rio had left so that it wouldn't be tracked back to me.

"This one is mine." I tell him with a fake giggle as we make our way to it.

I climb into the driver's side and snatch the keys from the sun visor above me and quickly start up the engine.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?" he slurs a bit.

"It's okay, I got this." I simply reply.

I pull away from the bar and start the GPS and quickly begin following it.

"Why do you have a GPS going?" he asks his voice sounding not so friendly.

"Sometimes I forget how to get home after a few drinks, so i made the smart investment to get this for nights like this." I say fake giggling some more to make me sound stupid.

"Ahh." he simply replies.

After driving for about 10 minutes, I finally get onto a mostly deserted street and as soon as I get a stretch of road completely dead and surrounded by trees, I quickly whip my right arm out and slam my fist straight in between the guy's eyes, instantly knocking him out.

I look over with a smirk as his whole body is completely slumped forwards and then look back to the GPS which says there's only another 5 minutes to go. I slam on the gas, thankful I had only had 3 drinks and lots of water in between before flying straight to the location.

I pull into a large house with a large garage door and I pull in front of it and sure enough within seconds the door opens and I drive straight in. I park the car and get out to see Rio closing the garage door.

"All good?" he asks and I nod.

"He's out." I tell him.

"Help me get him inside then I'll take it from there." he says and I nod.

"We do his death my way though. I can't get caught for this one." I tell him sternly.

"Yeah, were gonna have a little chat about that too." he retorts and I roll my eyes.

"By the way, you can really pull off that Barbie look. I usually don't fuck Barbie's, but I might make that exception for you." he comments with a smirk and I flip him the finger in return.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now