Chapter 35

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~Daphne's P.O.V~

I sat, dangling my feet of the desk of none other than Tomas himself. My clothes now stained with blood, blood that included his. I had just got off the phone with Rio's second in command, letting him know to finish off the spy we had of Tomas. He was no longer of use.

"Daphne?" I hear my father's familiar voice say and I look up to see him standing in the doorway.

"Father? I'm shocked to see you here." I state narrowing my eyes.

"I promised, I would never fail you or our family again. As soon as I found out what happened, I came straight here, prepared to take out Tomas, once and for all. Has he run off?" he replies and I giggle.

"Oh no, father. He's right there." I say with a smirk as I point over to the wall behind him to the left of the door.

He turns around, taking in the bloodied and badly battered body of Tomas, hanging off the wall.

"Is he..." he begins to ask.

"Not yet. I wasn't going to let him off easy." I simply reply.

He turns back around towards me with shock clear in his eyes.

"I can take over from here." he tells me but I shake my head.

"Oh no you won't. He's mine for the taking. Just be thankful it's not you." I state and his eyes widen a bit.

"For a long time father, I envisioned this for you as well. After some growing though, training and listening to how sorry you were and I could see the pain and regret in your eyes, hear it in your voice. I realized you had me a cowardly mistake. The mighty Alessandro Tortellini was really the cowardly brother. Pride was too high, too far from reality, from knowing your priorities. Over all though, your a worthless coward. Now Tomas on the other hand, he's fearless, careless, heartless and it gives him the upper hand. He will take and loose anything if it means being the higher power. He's dark straight to the bone, pure evil running through his bones. He's beyond sick, he's toxic, poisoned with such a darkness, such a monstrous mind. He deserves this and so much more. At least you father, have a heart. You have done terrible things, made terrible mistakes, took many lives, tortured many people, your far from a saint, but you're not a monster to your core. Not like him." I explain and I can see many emotions go through him.

"That's why... why I'm king." Tomas suddenly mutters out with a sickening smirk toning his voice.

"No. That's why you're going to be the most tortured prisoner of all time. You're far from a king, even farther of a peasant. Your toxic disgusting scum." I state before throwing one of my knives straight at him, hitting him in the thigh.

He lets out a loud grunt but I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I state before turning back to my father.

"Return home, I've got things from here. I'll be over in a few days to start talking about a wedding." I tell him and his mouth drops just a bit.

"Alright. Anything for you. Before I go though, after Tomas is dead, someone takes over. If they know you killed him, you're automatically their new leader due to who you are and the blood that runs through you. If they don't know it's you, their second in command is next or if all his top men are dead whoever killed them is leader which would still be you." he tells me and I nod my head already knowing this.

"I have that already figured out. I'll explain when it's time. For now, go take care of Calla and Anthony." I tell him and he nods his head before leaving.

I torture Tomas again until he passes out and sit back down until Rio returns.

He looks around the room, his eyes settling on Tomas before returning to me and I watch the smirk pull at his lips.

"Good job, Mami." he tells me and I smile.

"Thank you." I reply.

He makes his way towards me, standing in between my parted thighs and I look up at him as he dips his head down so that are faces are only inches apart.

"You never fail to amaze me." he murmurs huskily and I smirk.

"You sure you still want to risk marrying me? I'm sure I just killed the same amount of people you ever have in your life in a matter of a couple hours." I tell him and he pulls back slightly as he chuckles.

"Oh, Mami. I've never been more sure of anything in my life." he says smirking and I grin.

"I think the two of us, are a dangerous combination." I tell him and his smirk only grows.

"Good thing I love danger." he states and I bite my lip with a smile.

"Why don't you show me just how much?" I ask seductively.

"Oh I will, just as soon as we finish up here." he states and that's when I remember where I am again.

"Right." I agree pulling back.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now