Chapter 44

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I let out a groan as my head pounded sharply and it didn't help that the sun was shining into the room.

"Fuck." I curse as I roll over trying to get away from the damn sun.

How much did I drink last night?

I wasn't long getting up though because not even a few minutes I felt my stomach drop and quickly stumbled my way to the nearest bathroom. Emptying my stomach I groaned as I leaned against the cold porcelain tub next to it wondering how I had gotten myself so drunk.

Then it hit me.

That last drink.

Calla spiked my fucking drink!

That fucking bitch.

Groaning, I cleaned myself up before heading straight down to the kitchen where I could hear her cooking.

"Good...!" she begins to say but I cut her off.

"No, Calla. NOT good. Why the hell would you do that to me?" I ask wishing the kids weren't in the other room or else I would really give it to her.

"Be grateful I did." she says with a happy smile and I narrow my eyes.

"Now why in the hell would I be grateful?" I hiss and she narrows her eyes.

"Okay, watch the language. I ignored the first, but now were on to the second." she states and I let out a small annoyed sigh.

"Sorry." I mutter and she goes back to smiling.

"Go sit, breakfast is ready." she tells me and knowing better then to debate with her, I go and sit at the table.

A moment later she brings over what resembles a cake before setting it down in front of me.

I stare at the confirmed cake, taking in the writing on it.

Congratulations! You're pregnant!

"What the hell kind of sick joke is this?" I nearly yell and she slaps me on the arm.

"Language and it's why you have been feeling the way you have been and I knew you weren't going to test it yourself so I did it for you. Now please, take at least one bite of this cake, it was expensive and it's your favorite." she tells me and I narrow my eyes at her.

She leans over me and begins to cut it before taking a small piece out and I nearly faint at the sight of blue on the inside.

"It's a boy." she tells me softly and that's all I need to tip me over.



I came to with a cold cloth on my head and I was laid on the kitchen floor.

"You should really be more careful. Be thankful I still have good reflexes." she tells me as she helps sit me up.

"What..." I begin to ask when I see the cake and my heart instantly begins to speed up.

"I need a drink... joint... something..." I murmur trying to calm myself down.

"A small glass of wine is the best you're getting missy and this won't be made a habit. The rest will have to go bye for the time being." she tells me.

She helps pull me into the chair again and I move the cake out of my sight as she goes and gets me a small glass of wine.

"Calla... I can't do this. I need you to help me." I tell her as she sits back down.

"Of course, I will! I'll be here every step of the way until you feel like you don't need me and I'll help you prepare for everything." she says excitedly but I shake my head.

"No... Calla. I need to get an abortion. I can't do this." I tell her completely serious.

She frowns.

"Aren't you at least going to consider this?" she asks but I shake my head.

"No and Rio is to never know either." I tell her making her frown deepen.

"How about this. You do at least 1 ultrasound and we talk about all the options and then go from there. If you still want one and the doctor can perform one then I will support you but do this for me first so that I know for myself that this is what you truly want." she states and I let out a small sigh as I thought about it.

"Fine, but get me in quickly because I don't want to be pregnant any longer then I already have been." I say and she nods her head.

"How about you go get some fresh air outside and I'll call and get you in?" she says and I nod my head.

"Thank you." I say and she smiles.

"No smoking." she tells me and I let out a sigh but nod my head before making my way out on the back deck.

What a fucking mess, I thought to myself as I sat outside and watched everything all around me.

I stayed outside for a good hour just taking in everything that had just happened before finally making my way back in, my mind still set on an abortion.

"Mateo will be back in 2 hours and I got you an appoint in 4 so we got some time to kill." she says and I nod my head.

"Let's just keep the kids busy and my mind occupied." I say and she nods her head in understanding.

We make our way into the living room and I sit down with my nephew as my sister tends to her niece, taking everything in and in the end only considering my options yet again.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now