Chapter 13

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I sat in the garage, on top of the trunk of the car that I had driven here, smoking a joint while I waited for Rio to finish questioning the bastard inside. The biggest question was the guy's status in the mob and depending on that answer was going to determine how I finished the job. I wasn't 100% if Rio could get the answer out of him or if the guy would give it up truthfully in the first place so while he was inside torturing, I smoked my joint and begin to make some phone calls, first with my sister who didn't know much but thankfully her husband did as he was one of the higher ups in our father's mob. My second call was directly to my brother in law himself.

"Hey Mateo! It's Daphne, your wife's sister." I say as soon as he answers.

"Daphne? What can I do for you?" he asks gruffly.

"Ever heard of a William Stanton?" I ask and I hear him chuckle darkly.

"Oh yes, one of the only rats that somehow are still alive to this day because we can't seem to get him on our hands. Why do you ask?" he tells me.

"I may have this rat in my hands and I can assure he won't be ratting ever again. That being said, what can you tell me about his status wise?" I reply.

"He works for Tomas Tortellini as a spy. I'm not sure how high his rank is, but I would assume decently high for the ratty jobs he's done for him." he tells me and I let out a small sigh.

"Mateo, I need you to answer a real question for me. As family. Brother to sister, nothing else included, okay?" I tell him and he lets out a huff.

"What is it?" he mumbles and I smile.

Despite the fact that we often butted heads, mostly due to the fact that he was loyal to my father and I despised the man, we had a mutual love and respect thanks to my sister but most of all, Ant.

"What are my chances at killing this guy and not getting caught and if they do figure it out, how fucked am I?" I ask and he lets out a long sigh.

"Honestly Daph, it's a suicide mission for most, you're more skilled then most and who knows, you might just pull it off, but your uncle is a psycho and he has more power and more resources and people working under him than ever. If you get caught wither he figures out who you truly are or not, you will be brutally murdered and if I were you, I wouldn't take that chance. I know you want revenge and your sister tells me you have a rightful reason to but is it worth your life in return?" he replies and I bite my lip.

Was my life worth it? It didn't really seem like it anymore. Sure there was sister and Ant... but it's like I was around every day... sure I would be missed but in this field, every day is a risk and when it really came down to my life, it really didn't seem that worth it.

"Thanks Mateo." I tell him before hanging up.

"Who's Mateo?" I hear Rio's voice ask out of nowhere making me jump and drop the joint I had forgotten about in my hand.

"How much of that did you hear?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him in response as he comes towards me.

"Only enough to already know the answer to my question, of course, Daphne." he tells me as he raises his perfectly shaped brow, narrowing his eyes back at me.

I raise my hands up in surrender before smirking.

"You didn't really think Roxie was my real name did you? That wouldn't be very smart of me, just like I'm sure your name isn't really Rio, right Christopher." I reply with a smirk and I see his eyes widen a bit in surprise before narrowing once again.

"I should have expected that, now here's what I want to know, Daphne. Is it just a crazy coincidence that I happen to know that Alessandro Tortellini has a daughter named Daphne who no one has seen in years and here's you, an assassin going by the name of Roxie... and Lana, right? Who also doesn't want anything to do with the Tortellini mobs and who almost sounded scared on the phone the other week. I think not." he tells me as he comes completely in front of me so that his stomach is pressed against my knees and both of his hands are placed on either side of me on the car and his face is inches away from mine.

I suck in a sharp breath before putting my best game face on.

"You're crazy if that's what you believe. I'm simply an assassin with the same name as this crazy mobs daughter and I simply want nothing to do with the mob because people always say once you get in, you can never get out and that's not what I want in my life. An assassin gets paid to do a job and that's it. Mobs are for life, so sorry, your theory is way off. Now back the fuck up." I lie perfectly.

He looks me deep in the eyes that it feels like he's looking straight into my soul like that was possible before beginning to chuckle darkly.

"I know exactly who you are, Daphne Alannah Tortellini. Or, as you like to go by, Alannah James and then there's your little persona, Roxie Peters, the best assassin around. Now let's try some honesty." he replies with a smirk and for once, a man has broke my poker face, not even I could stop the shock from showing on it now.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now