Chapter 26

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"You forgot your bag." Rio says and I simply grumble in response and without another thought I begin to relax.

I hear my bag drop to the floor and his footsteps a few more times before drowning out the noise and letting sleep come my way.

The last thing I notice is the feel of warm arms circling around me from behind before darkness consumes me.


I woke up with a jolt as I finally woke from the haunting memories that had flooded my dreams. I felt sick to my stomach and disgusted within my own skin.

As I get out of bed, I see my bag on the floor and remember how Rio had been here last night and despite how I could have sworn he had gotten in my bed, he was nowhere in sight. I guess I was hallucinating things now too.

I grab the rest of my alcohol and a cigarette and make my way to the bathroom, starting the bath before emptying my bladder and cleaning myself up. I poured some bubble bath into the water before pulling my hair into a bun and taking my shirt off.

I light my cigarette up between my lips before grabbing the rum and getting into the now perfectly filled with bubbles bath. I lean my head back against the bath pillow I had and alternate between smoking and drinking in between.

As I finished the cigarette I threw the butt into the small garbage can before chugging the rest of the bottle in my hand and dropping it on the floor before sinking into the hot water.

With eyes shut, I focused on the sound of silence that surrounded me, enjoying its peace and the warm water all around my skin. It was moments like these that I enjoyed the most.

With still a couple days of just me time, maybe I should be focusing more on stress release instead of drinking and getting high the whole time. Plus I hadn't been to my favorite personal spot since before I got arrested and if I was going to be taking Tomas down, I definitely needed to be at the top of my game.

With adrenaline and excitement beginning to swirl with in me the more i thought about all the fun I could be having and the peace and quiet with only nature around me, I quickly finish up in the bath. I had no idea what time of day it even was but I was hoping it was on the early side since I was going to have to stop by a store before I left.

I dry off and quickly run into my room and pull up on a grey black stripped sports bra with matching spandex shorts, topping it with my favorite workout shoes and throwing a long sleeve crop top over my sports bra. I quickly adjust my hair so it's now in a ponytail before sitting down on my bed and quickly placing an order online with the closet grocery stop for the stuff I would need while I was away.

Once I'm ready to go, I grab my purse and rush out of the room and straight to the kitchen, not even acknowledging anything around me. As I stuff my purse with all my weed stuff and some pre rolled joints I hear the sound of footsteps.

"Where you headed in such a rush, Mami?" I hear the too familiar voice ask.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I demand in return as I zip up my bag and turn towards him.

"Came to give you your bag." he simply replies and I roll my eyes.

"Right. Well I've got shit to do, see yourself out." I simply tell him before going straight past him and out the door before he can react.

Guess I wasn't hallucinating after all. That was a relief.

I take the elevator straight down to the underground garage that I always kept my 2018 Ford F-150 Raptor, used only when I was going to my hidden special place.

I climb in, throwing my bag in the back and as I start up my truck, my door quickly opens making me jump in surprise but I look over to see Rio with a scowl on his face.

"Move over." he tells me and I roll my eyes.

"This is MY truck. No one drives it but me and I have places to be...alone." I state annoyed.

I quickly look over at the radio to see it's already 5 past noon. I really needed to get out of here.

"Bye." I simply state before yanking the door shut and locking it.

As I put the car into drive, I hear another door open and look over to see Rio getting into the passenger seat.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I growl irritated.

"Let's go." he simply replies.

"Get the fuck out. You have 5 seconds or I'll put a bullet between those decent looking eyes." I hiss but he only chuckles darkly.

"We both know that isn't an option right now." he says and without a thought I yank my fist back to pop him one but then I think about the image he needs to up hold for this job.

"Hope you brought your own gun." I reply letting out an annoyed sigh before ripping out of my parking spot.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now