Chapter 2

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~Roxie/ Lana's P.O.V~

I hit the ground hard and let out a groan as I rolled down into the ditch. Once my body stopped, I gave myself a moment to let out a breath before pushing myself up onto my feet.

"Lana!!" I hear Eddy's voice yell and I groan.

Way to let it slip.

"Fuck off!" I yell back annoyed.

Did I care about Eddy? Of course, he was the only guy I had a serious relationship with. I was more of a one night stand type of girl but what could I say? He made his way into my heart.

Did I love Eddy? Of course. I would always love him. Was I IN love with him? Much like myself, I still wasn't sure of that either.

I'm pulled from my thoughts as I see him standing at the top of the ditch with his head held out towards me.

"Just let me pull you up, I'm sure you can stop being stubborn for two seconds to do that much." he tells me and I roll my eyes but decide to bite my tongue and be nice.

I grab onto his hand and he helps me up and I let go of his hand to quickly brush the dirty off me and tighten my ponytail.

"So are you walking with me or am I meeting you at the apartment?" I ask him as I see Rio approach us.

"We can both get back in the car and just take the drive." Eddy suggests and I groan.

"Eddy, baby. I just got out of jail the last thing I want to deal with right now is a self-centered that thinks he's all that, asshole." I tell him and he lets out a sigh.

"It's cold out and your less than dressed for the weather. Do you really want to get sick already?" he asks me and I let out a sigh as I contemplate it.

As much as I didn't want to agree, he had a point. Little did he know though, that there was a much bigger reason to why I couldn't afford to be sick right now.

"I suppose." I say.

"Now come on." he says taking my hand once more and leading me back to Rio's car.

We all get back in and begin making our way to the apartment once more.

"The name is Jacob Anderson." Rio tells me as we near the building.

"Just to be clear, the only reason I'm continuing to do the job is because I could save the money it costs to pay you back right now for something much more worth my time, but if you give me anymore of a hassle, consider it on your hands." I tell him.

He simply looks at me with an eyebrow raised through the rear view mirror.

"I need it done as soon as possible." he simply replies.

"I'll get on it once I have showered and put a fresh set of clothes on. It will be done within the next 24 hours so long as I have no interruptions." I say.

"I'll give you an extra 10 grand to have it done within the next three hours." he says and I bite my lip.

"I'll do the best I can, no promises. I'll need to get this guy's address, car information and find him, follow him and decide the best route I need to take. Depending how long it takes to get all that done will determine how quick it gets done." I reply.

"I've already got someone following him as we speak and studying his routine." he tells me and I smirk.

"Any openings in his schedule within the next three hours?" I ask.

"I will have that confirmed and text you the location." he replies.

"Perfect." I say with a smirk.

"Once the job is done, I will text you a location to meet with me and I will give you the money." he tells me and I nod my head.

"Consider it done." I say as he pulls up in front of mine and Eddy's building.

"I'll be in contact shortly." he says as I open the door to step out.

"I'll be waiting." I simply reply before getting out of the car.

Eddy gets out as well and wraps his arm around my shoulders before we make our way into the building and into our apartment.

"You sure you want to do this job?" he asks me as he locks the door and makes his way to our little open spaced kitchen.

"I could use the money. I have another... job that I'm going to need to prepare for." I reply and he cocks a brow at me in questioning.

"Already?" he asks surprised and I nod my head.

"You just got out of jail..." he murmurs running his hands through his hair.

"I'm an assassin, Eddy. The jobs are always coming. Not to mention, this one is important. I'll be starting it as soon as I'm finished with this one." I tell him and he lets out a sigh.

"I was hoping we could spend a little time together before you got straight back into all this." he mumbles and I walk over and wrap my arms around him.

"I know babe but I promise once these two are done you will have me all to yourself and I'll make sure it's very pleasurable." I say with a smirk before pulling him down and smashing my lips against him.

"I love you, Lana." he tells me once I pull away.

"I know." I say with a giggle before pulling away and making my way to our bathroom.

"Can you get my stuff laid out on the bed for me and an energy drink out of the fridge?" I ask as I stand in the bathroom doorway.

"Sure thing." he replies and I blow him a kiss before shutting the door and making my way into the shower.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now