Chapter 25

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"You're a good liar." I state as Rio pulls away from my father's house.

"You need to be in this game." he replies with a small chuckle.

"I guess so. Speaking of lies though, you got about 2 months to plan out the most amazing heart wrenching break up for us. If my father suspects foul play of any variety he will kill you. He has to believe it was genuine and with good intent." I tell him.

"I've got a better plan, but we will discuss it when your sober." he simply replies and I roll my eyes.

"Come to my place in 3 days then." I say.

"Tomorrow." he states and I giggle.

"You said when I'm sober. So in 3 days." I tell him.

"Tomorrow. That's final." he tells me and I flip him the finger.

"I don't work for you. Consider the next couple days my days off. Wither you like it or not, this is very personal for me and not easy by any means. If I say 3 damn days then you come in 3 damn days. Are we clear mother fucker?" I start by saying but soon end up yelling as I get angrier.

Suddenly completely overwhelmed by all my hidden emotions, the more I thought about it and the more the words left my lips the worse I began to feel.

This was actually a lot. It was hitting me like a ton of bricks. The weed and alcohol fucking with my head, opening every locked cage within my mind. It was getting to be too much. Memories and reminders of the past starting to flash behind my eyes.

"Hey...are you okay?" I hear Rio faintly ask.

Was I okay? I wanted to say yes but I felt sick at the thought. I didn't feel okay. I felt like I was drowning.

I decide not to answer and instead clench my jaw shut and keeping my eyes focused out the windshield and watching the road as we drove back to my apartment.

Every minute felt like an hour and I dreaded every second that passed.

"Listen...Roxie. On an honest, serious note. I know this is more then we planned, but it will be worth it. We just need to stick together and we need to be honest and open about things affecting this in any way. I mean, fuck. We're faking a damn relationship and marriage and we need to act like it and get to know each other more before we end up in a situation where we fuck up on the lies and your father notices. We both want this to work and need this to work. So when you're ready, I'll tell you my plan and in return, you need to tell me about what you were referring to about Tomas with your father incase he brings it up, I have to know why he thinks I have a problem with him or this won't work." he tells me and I suck in a sharp breath.

"I...I...I do understand... I will need time and a lot of alcohol or weed first. Probably not both though. We will...soon." I reply doing my best to remain calm in front of him.

"Well, I'll be waiting for your call." he tells me as we pull up to my apartment complex.

I nod my head before stumbling my way out of the car.

Why does standing up always have to remind you of how fucked up you are?

I make my way into my building and up to my apartment before heading straight to my kitchen. I grab a pint of my coconut rum and grab a rolled joint of my counter and make my way into my bedroom.

I plop down near the top of the bed, setting everything down on my bedside table before stripping out of my clothes and pulling on an extra-long sleeve shirt so that it bagged around my knees. I make my way to the bathroom and take the wig and make up off my face and letting my hair down before brushing my teeth and making my way back to bed.

I climb under the covers and lean against the backboard before lighting the joint up between my lips. I crack the rum open and drink straight out of the bottle in between puffs until I'm finished the joint. I then set the bottle down and pull out some melatonin from the drawer before taking two and laying down.

I snuggle into the blankets and pillows and pull my stuffed animal into my arms, needing it for nights like these.

I lay with my eyes half open as my head spins and vision blurs. Eyes wanting to close, getting dizzy from all the blurs and as I finally decide to give in and shut my eyes. I hear the faint sound of a knob twisting and a door opening.

I struggle to open my eyes, exhaustion in full affect and as much as I want to get up, my body stays and I hold my breath and shut my eyes, waiting for whatever inevitable was coming my way.

I hear the sound of feet padding against the floor as it travels into my apartment and into my bedroom. I do my best to try and stop my heart from racing, afraid it will attract their attention but as the steps continue my way, it becomes erratic beyond my control and right when I think I might pass out from not being able to breath, I hear a relieving voice.

"You forgot your bag."

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now