Chapter 45

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As soon as I had heard my baby's heartbeat, my mind was finally made up.

I was having a baby.

My sister had been overjoyed that I had changed my mind and deep down she had known that once I had that ultrasound, my mind was likely to change.

I hated that she was right, but I couldn't deny it.

I was far from ready for a baby, I was far from ever being a mother but life was ready for me to start that chapter and who was I to deny it?

The more time went on, the more I felt like life really does work in mysterious ways. From meeting Rio to getting this into a relationship with him, it was more than business and I think deep down we both knew it and didn't want to admit me but we both promised no matter what this baby would always be our priority.

Wither we liked it or not, we had the rest of our lives to be partners wither we stayed together or not, we would always do this together till the day we died.

I wasn't sure how our future was going to look, with Rio being in business with my father and me not wanting that lifestyle, especially for a child but in the same breath my sister was managing just fine with my niece and nephew so maybe it was going to be the same for me or maybe Rio would leave it all behind with me and we would start fresh.

There were so many questions about the future but right now I just focused on the present.

When I had told Rio, he had been shocked just like me and despite not wanting to admit it he had been as scared as I was. Yet in the end, he still handled it better than me and was surprisingly an amazing support for me.

The more months that would pass, the closer we grew to one another. He went to every appointment, did anything and everything for me no matter the circumstance and we enjoyed the growth of this pregnancy from beginning to start.

No matter how awful I felt about myself and my body changing at times, he was always there to comfort me and remind me how beautiful and sexy I was to him and then we had our moments of snuggling when our little bundle would let us know he was indeed in there and we would talk about how strong he would be.

I knew this experience was changing me and even him and I could only imagine how much more changes we would both go through on this journey but I hoped we would do them together until they end.

"What are you thinking about, Mami?" Rio asks pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Just life, the future." I say with a small smile and he nods his head.

"I've been thinking about that to, the future." he says and I look at him with curious eyes.

"I want us to stay together, like a real marriage. I want you to be my girlfriend, my wife." he tells me and my eyes widen in shock.

"What? Why? Don't feel like you need to do this just because we are having a baby. As long as we can parent together that's all that matters." I tell him and he lets out a deep chuckle.

"I know, but the thing is. I've never loved anyone in my life and yet somehow of all the people I have met, all the women I have been with, it was you who I fell in love with and I think it's time you know because I don't want to lose you. I want you to be mine forever." he tells me as he reaches out and takes my left hand.

"Be with me, forever?" he asks and all the breath leaves my lungs.

Before I can say yes or even tell him that truthfully I loved him to, I feel a large gush of liquid run down my legs.

"Oh, fuck no!" I yell horrified and his eyes widen as he steps away.

"I... I think... my water just broke!" I say horrified and he looks down and his eyes widen.

"Oh shit." he mutters and we both look at each horrified.

"I didn't realize such a confession would trigger this..." he murmurs and I let out a giggle.

"Fucker, I'm two weeks to the due date and you of all people just said you love ME. That's insane and the worst part is... I love you to and even though I never thought I would end up with someone like you, the answer is yes. I'll be yours forever as long as you do the same." I say with a smirk and he grins.

"Till the death." he promises and before I can respond I end up groaning in pain.

"Okay, hospital time. Let's go. Remember to do the breathing shit." he tells me as he goes to pick me up but I stop him.

"I'm changing and then we are going." I state and he narrows his eyes.

"Seriously?" he asks and I narrow my eyes in return.

"Yes. So either grab me a dress or get out of my way." I tell him and he lets out a long sigh before marching towards our bedroom.

I quickly change into a fresh dress and panties with his help before he scoops me up and carries me to the car.

I quickly call my sister to let her know and she tells me she will meet me at the hospital.

"You ready?" he asks.

"Fuck no, but let's be honest. Neither are you." I state with a small smirk before groaning in pain again.

"They better have that damn epidural ready or I will kill someone." I state and he chuckles.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now