Chapter 30

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"From that day, I watched every men's single movement, until one day when they didn't expect it, I got hold of their gun. I killed both the men that raped me and anyone that came in my way on the way out of that hell. Unfortunately, Tomas was nowhere in sight so I was never able to get my revenge on him. I didn't have time to wait, so I ran until I found a local business, from there I called my sister who came and got me. I never spoke to my father again until now. I lived with him for a couple years and spent that time training hard to be as good as I am today, preparing for the day I got my hands on Tomas and as soon as I knew I could protect and support myself. I left, changed my name and vowed I wouldn't go back. Not until you came into the picture." she says and I frown.

"I'm so sorry, Mami. I promise to you, on my life. By the end of this, Tomas will die by your hands, as fast or as slowly as you want him to and I will support you every step of the way and nothing, I mean, NOTHING will happen to you so long as I'm here, wither it be Tomas or anyone else. I swear." I tell completely serious and she looks up at me with her deep broken emerald eyes.

"Thank you." she murmurs so softly and without a thought, I capture her lips with my own, pouring all my unsaid emotions into it.

As we pull away, I tuck her back under my chin and softly stroke her hair until I feel her breathing even out. I lay us back down and keep her tucked in my arms before dozing back out myself.


~Lana's P.O.V~

After our emotional night together, we woke up and went back to normal. I got Rio to train with me as much as he could manage which honestly was not much at all but I understood, it takes a lot of skill and work to get to where I am today. The days passed quickly and the nights following went smoother and before I knew it, I was drugging him and driving back home.

We were currently in my apartment, he had just woken up and was currently taking a tantrum that I was most certainly not listening to at all.

"So we ready to talk business yet?" I ask letting out a yawn and he narrows his eyes.

"You didn't hear a fucking word I just said, did you?" he growls angrily and I chuckle.

"Does it matter at this point?" I ask and I can see his jaw tensing quite tightly.

I put a rolled joint in between my lips and light it up before blowing the smoke into his face.

"Need a puff? Looks like you could use it." I say and he lets out a huff but comes and grabs it before taking a puff of it.

"You can sit you know, I promise no surprise dildos will go up your ass." I say with a straight face and he narrows his eyes more making me laugh before he sits down and hands it back to me.

"So tell me your genius plan?" I ask doing my best to contain my eye roll.

"Well it's not a genius and extravagant as you may think. It's fairly simple." he starts and I quirk a brow as we pass back and forth the joint.

"We're going to get married." he states and I nearly choke on the smoke I've just inhaled.

"Excuse me?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"We're going to get married, stay together for at least two years. 1 to get the partnership and another so he at least believes it was a real genuine marriage and then we can get divorced or stay married. Of course it will all be a fake relationship but everyone else needs to believe it. We can sort out the other details and boundaries, whatever, later on." he states and I finish the joint before rubbing my temples as I try to process all this.

"Rio, I have plans for after all this is over with Tomas." I tell him.

"You can do all of them after the two years or in between." he states and I roll my eyes.

"Now why would I agree to any of this? What do I have to get out of it?" I ask.

"Well Tomas still dead and as much money as you want and any other thing. You name it and you can have it." he states and I quirk a brow with a smirk.

"Okay, I want a brand new, fully paid, car of my choosing. A fully paid vacation of my choosing and money for while I'm there and it can be for as long as I choose and you will give me unlimited money, whenever I want it I'll ask and you will give the amount no matter how large. Also, all the sex I want from you, whenever I want. That being said, you can't be with anyone else other than me starting now until the end of this. I'm not risking no stds and don't trust you." I state and he chuckles but nods.

"Deal." he states with a smirk and I reach my hand out and shake his head.

I could only hope I wouldn't regret this.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now