Chapter 17

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I looked at my reflecting in the mirror, analyzing from head to toe making sure all my tattoos were perfectly covered and that my pinkish-purple hair was nowhere in sight and hiding perfectly beneath the long blonde wavy wig I had placed over it. This would be the first time in 4 years that I would be sitting face to face with him. I left on my 18th birthday and never looked back and now here I would be in the same room as him.

I step away from the mirror as I hear my phone go off and as I check to see it, I see a message from Rio, letting me know he was outside waiting for me. I let out a sigh before making my way out of my apartment and into Rio's car.

"So this is what Daphne looks like, huh?" he asks with a smirk as he takes in my appearance as I roll my eyes.

"This is the Daphne my father thinks I am. At the end of the day, Lana or Daphne, I'm still me." I mutter and he chuckles.

"So which restaurant?" he asks.

"Callaphne Pasteria." I grumble.

I was lover for the pasta but the name was still cringeworthily. Leave it to my father to try and combine his daughter's name for his own restaurant.

"My favorite." he smirks and I roll my eyes.

When we get to the restaurant, it's closed from the public but as soon as we go in we are greeted by a waiter who leads us out back to where I see my sister, nephew, brother in law and sure enough my father himself.

"Auntie Daph!" My nephew Anthony cheers excitedly.

"Hey Ant!" I reply with a grin.

"Hi, my name is Calla. I'm your soon to be sister in law! This is my son Anthony, my husband Mateo and our father, Alessandro." my sister excitedly says to Rio.

"Pleasure to meet you." Rio responds kindly, shaking hands with my sister before placing a kiss against her hand.

I keep my game face on, not wanting anyone to notice the shock I felt within at the gesture. He truly could be an actor.

I make my way around the table and sit across from my nephew as his father sits next to him and my father sits at the head of the table and soon my sister comes sitting next to me, placing Rio straight across from my father and beside me at our end of it.

We place our orders for drinks and food, with me being the only one to get an alcoholic drink and a strong one at that.

I couldn't lie, I felt like a jumble of anxious nerves as I felt my father's eyes on me, shooting straight into my skull, killing me instantly. Dread filled me as I began to panic. What if this was his plan all along? To finally have me within reach. Would my drink be spiked? My food? Would it be slow reacting? Would it kill me instantly?

Better yet, would he kill Rio instead to punish me? Was I putting Rio in more danger and risking his life when he thinks he's here for business?



"Earth to Daphne!" Call calls shaking my arm.

I give my head a slight shake, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, sorry, what?" I mumble trying to focus in on reality.

"White or whole wheat bread?" she asks and I realize the waiter is still standing here.

"White." I quickly reply before sinking back in my seat.

"Stressing about wedding plans already?" she asks with a giggle and I force a smile.

"Yeah, just soooo excited. Wasn't sure if I should do small and simple or huge and outgoing." I lie.

"That's a great question, if you want we can get together and I can give you a hand planning?" she suggests and I internally sigh.

She was really going to kill me after this.

"Sure thing." I fake smile.

"So what do you do for a living?" Mateo asks Rio and I quickly glance over at him and to my surprise again, he looks totally relaxed.

"I'm a business owner." he replies I so badly want to roll my eyes.

Aren't we all?

"Very nice, what type of business do you run?" Mateo questions more.

"I own a bank and a couple pharmacies." he replies with a smirk.

"Why both different types?" Mateo continues, beading his eyes into Rio.

"What can I say? I like money and pharmacies make a great amount selling all the different drugs they do and banks is the king of the money world." Rio explains and I can only hope Mateo and my father don't see the hints in his words and a fight breaks out in front of my nephew.

"I see. I think you will fit right in with our family. What do you think, Aless?" Mateo says and I suck in a small breath before looking straight towards my father, watching his lips as he begins to speak and refusing to look in his eyes.

"Let's raise a glass and toast to that." my father says with an excited tone, making a shiver run down my spine.

I could only hope he had put the situation together and picked up all of Rio's hints, because if not... that meant he was TRULY excited and if he found out we were lying about our engagement and I really was setting up a meeting, he would become extremely, enraged.

An enraged drug lord was never a safe situation, especially when its Tortellini blood line your dealing with.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now