When Jedi Argue

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Continuation of the last part.

It was early morning, and Kanan, Ezra, and I were outside helping Ezra with his lightsaber training.

"Let's work on your forms, Ezra, because when you're fighting, your body is all out of whack." Kanan said.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Every Jedi knows different forms, depending on what their Master taught them. Crowvern taught me the basic forms, but soon taught me some advanced skills and techniques." I said.

"Let's start with the basic forms. Mind showing him, Zel?" Kanan asked.

I smiled and nodded. I took out my lightsaber and ignited it. The blue light reflected off my brown skin. When Ezra ignited his blade, we stood on opposite sides of each other.

"Ready position." I said.

I grasped my lightsaber and lunged forward. Ezra did the same.

"Block high!" I said, bringing down the blade.

Ezra raised his lightsaber and blocked mine.

"Low!" I said.

Ezra blocked my lightsaber quickly.

"Middle!" I said.

Our lightsabers collided. Repeatedly, our lightsabers connected. Soon, at Kanan's command, we both stopped.

"That was good, but you're still lacking something, Ezra," Kanan said.

"Which is?" Ezra asked.

"You're not confident in your attacks. Whether you strike or block, your body is still shaking."

Ezra sighed in frustration.

"Don't worry, Ez. It's natural. You're used to fighting with Kanan and fighting with me threw you off. Other than that, you got the forms down packed." I said.

Ezra smiled sheepishly. Kanan then slightly pushed me to the side and walked up to Ezra.

"Let's go. Remember what I taught you." Kanan said, igniting his weapon.

(Imagine the two are outside)

I watched the two as they fought. I then looked at Kanan with disgust.

Why'd he push me...?

When the two finally stopped, I walked over to them.

"Great job, Ezra. I see Kanan taught you well..." I said, slightly glaring at the Jedi.

"Yeah, but he can be a little impatient at times." Ezra said.

"Now that, I can believe."

Kanan rolled his eyes.

"Whatever..." Kanan said.

Then, a sneaky idea popped in my head. I leaned in and whispered something to Ezra. He smiled and nodded. Kanan looked at us with a confused look.

"What are you two planning?" he asked.

"Nothing much..." Ezra said.

Ezra and I ignited our blades and charged at Kanan. Kanan swiftly caught on to our plan and blocked our attack. Our lightsabers connected and nothing, but blue was all we could see.

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