The Wolf and The Crow {Part 1}

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It's finally here, everyone! The long-awaited wait is over. This is only the first part and you can bet that there are going to be more afterward. First, a huge thank you to my friends who will be starring in these next few parts:

Nerezza Ilona - HowlSeeker
Kayla Croslea - BlackCat2907

Now, without further ado, enjoy!

The Atollon sun began to rise over the horizon, giving the sky a beautiful amber color. I looked out into the distance, my long white scarf and loose brown and black hair fluttering in the breeze; my eyes fixated on the rising orange sun.

Today is a perfect day to start training. With everything that's going to happen between me and Crowvern soon, I can't take any chances to slack off...

I took out my lightsaber and ignited the blade. Getting into a ready position, I began my training, remembering the forms that Crowvern taught me. When his name came across my mind, I tripped over my own foot and fell forwards.

Okay, ow...

I picked myself up and dusted off the dirt that stained my clothes.

"Let's try that again." I said, picking up my weapon with the Force.

Activating it once more, I started training again. Ducking, slashing, kicking, and flipping was all you could see. I moved in a way that was similar to dancing, graceful, nimble, fluent, and quick.

Aralez taught me this...

While I was training, I heard a pebble get kicked, and I turned around pointing my saber at whoever was behind me. I then saw the shocked face of my apprentice.

"Oh, it is only you," I said in relief, lowering my weapon.

"You're certainly on edge this morning," Ezra said.

"Well, you should know better than to sneak up on me, Ezra. You're lucky I'm in a good mood, otherwise, we would have had a problem."

"Wait. What's that supposed to mean?"

I chuckled at Ezra's confusion and got back to training, flipping and slashing with fluent grace.

"Wow, I've never seen a Jedi move like that before," Ezra said.

"Something a friend taught me how to do a while back." I said.

"Think you can teach me?"

I turned to my Padawan and then cast my gaze to the ground.

I want to but I can't...

"Not today, Ezra. I'm sorry," I said.

"Is everything alright?" Ezra asked.

"It's... personal..."

I looked at the Atollon sun and let a sigh escape.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Ezra asked.

"With what I'm going through, I doubt it," I confessed.

"It's that bad?"

"Unfortunately..." I said.

Ezra placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a comforting smile.

"You can tell me, Zel. I swear on my life I won't tell the others." Ezra said.

"I know you won't, but if I tell you, I'll be putting you and possibly the others in grave danger. So much is already happening with the Empire, I don't want to be a burden..."

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