Past Battle Scars

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Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a Force-tastic day! This is a continuation between both "Imperial In Disguise" and "The Master of Masters {Part 3}" if that makes sense. Now, on with the story!

"I'm really glad we found Zunela." Kanan said.

"So am I." I said.

"Me too." Ezra said.

A few days passed after Ahsoka, Kanan, Ezra, and I found The Master of Masters and brought her back to the Rebellion.

Thanks to Zunela's military tactics and Isen's knack for technology, the Rebellion is growing stronger each passing day.

The Rebels and I were on Lothal, making sure everything was okay.

We're always on Lothal since this planet has an immense Imperial presence. Plus, it's Ezra's home...

As I was walking through the Ghost, I bumped my arm on the wall and winced in pain.

Still hasn't healed...?

I quickly walked to my room and rolled up my sleeve to my shoulder. I then stared at the stitches on my arm. Three long stitches could be seen.

When it was just me and the Lothwolves, I used to fight Inquisitors that were sent to kill me. I'm just grateful I made it out alive... but these scars are things that will always bother me. How close I was to losing an arm... or worse... Thanks to the kind folk on Lothal, they patched me up. Still, it's one of the heavy burdens I carry...

I ran my hand over my scars, feeling the stitches on my palm.

How do I suppress the pain? The Force. When I'm fighting, I use the Force to suppress the pain when I'm moving my arms. It's not easy, but it helps.

Then, there was a knock at my door. I rolled down my sleeve and opened the door with the Force. In came Ezra.

"Hey, Ez. Need something?" I asked.

"Just wanted to see if you were okay." Ezra said.

"I'm good, thanks for asking."

Ezra stared at me with a look of uncertainty.

"You sure? The last time I've seen you look like this was when we were going to meet up with Lando on Maitlyn." Ezra said, sitting next to me.

Karabast... Hate it when the kid's right...

I draped an arm over Ezra's shoulder and smiled softly at him.

"Ezra, I'm fine, really. Just thinking about some things," I said.

"What kind of things?" Ezra asked.

"Curiosity killed the Lothcat."

"But satisfaction brought it back."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Just thinking about my past. Before I met you guys. When it was just me and the Lothwolves against the galaxy..." I said.

"You've come a long way." Ezra said.

"Hasn't everyone?"

Ezra smiled at me and leaned into my embrace. I leaned my head on his and sighed with content.

If this is what it feels like to have a kid, I can't wait to have one of my own...

Soon, Kanan came walking into the room.

"Ever heard of knocking, Kanan?" I asked.

Kanan rolled his eyes and advanced forward.

"Ezra, Jedi training. We'll meet you outside. I need to talk with Zel." Kanan said.

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