In Honor Of Her

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Hello everyone! This is just a little devotion in honor of my mother who passed away a year ago from today.

I miss her so much, and not a day goes by without me thinking of her. She was my best friend, my knight in shining armor, my everything. I know she's not here with me and my father physically, but I know she's here with us in spirit; smiling down on us.

On the bright side, my father came home from rehab today! I'm so happy! He's not 100% better, but he's doing a lot better than a month ago. Thank you so much for all the encouraging comments, and a huge thank you to those who prayed for him. They really helped.

I might upload tomorrow, I might not; depends on how I'm feeling. Thank you all so much for the support on this book. Two weeks from now will be the end of this book. I'm so glad that you stuck around with me for so long. We went on some crazy adventures with Zelara and the others. There's still some adventure left in the Wolf Jedi before she says goodbye.

If you have any suggestions, now is the time to do so. I hope you've all had a Force-tastic day. I will see you in the next part. May the Force be with You!


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