Help From Purrgil

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Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a Force-tastic day! I'm soooooooo sorry for not updating! Family drama and school work.

This is a part based off my number one favorite episode; "The Call" (Season 2, Episode 15). I was watching it the other day, and I'm obsessed with the Purrgil. Now, on with the show!

The Ghost crew and I were flying in deep space, entering an asteroid belt.

One problem; it's freezing!

"Sabine, fuel status," Hera said shivering.

".05. We're almost down to fumes." Sabine said, hugging herself.

"Sorry guys. Have to divert more power from thermal subsystems. Reducing heat to 2%."

I couldn't help but groan.

"If you see a volcano up ahead, just throw me in it..." I whined.

"I second that..." Zeb said over the comms.

Kanan sighed after he took a sip from his cup.

"Our intel on this fuel source better be solid, Hera. I'm losing feeling in my fingers." Kanan complained.

"Saw the report myself. Somewhere in this belt, the Mining Guild's been refining clouzon-36 for the Empire." Hera said.

"Nowadays, anyone would do anything for money. Even if that anything is the Empire." I said.

Chopper rolled in with a data pad in hand and handed it off to Sabine.

"Whoa... One shipment of that stuff can fuel us and every ship in Phoenix Squadron for a full cycle." Sabine said.

"So, when is the Empire supposed to pick up this stuff?" I asked.

"Empire is scheduled to pick up their shipment today. We just have to get there and find it... first." Hera replied.

I nodded and sighed.

"The asteroid field is scrambling our sensors." Sabine groaned.

"Well, I'm getting nothing on the old visual scanners." Ezra said.

"That's just great." I said.

"All right, cut the chatter. Keep your eyes peeled for that refinery." Hera said.

I nodded and walked toward a window when I heard something.

"Does anyone hear that noise?" Ezra asked.

"The only thing I hear is my brain freezing." Zeb complained.

"No, I hear it, too." I said.

Then, the faint wailing sound continued.

"There. I hear the noise again." Ezra said.

"Same. It's getting louder." I said, looking out a window.

But there was nothing there...

"I don't see anything out here. What does it sound like, you two?" Kanan asked.

"It's hard to explain. It's sounds... kind of sad..." Ezra said.

"Right? I mean, it's coming from all around us. How could you guys not hear it?" I asked.

Hera looked at Sabine, and Sabine shrugged her shoulders.

"Guys, there's nothing to hear. Sabine, check the scanners again." Hera said.

"Don't have to... Look..." Sabine said.

We all looked outside and saw giant, whale-squid like creatures. We were all in awe as they roamed around us.

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