A New Genesis

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Continuation of "Don't Mess With My Pack" This will probably be the last part that has to do with the storyline. Enjoy!

A few days passed since we rescued the Loth-wolves off Crumore, and the rebels and I had agreed to stay on Lothal to make sure they stay safe.

But something has been plaguing me ever since then. When Atlas and Aralez were fighting, Aralez looked... "bigger" than Atlas for some reason. I would assume all Loth-wolves would be the same size when fully grown, but this was different. Plus, I've never met a female Loth-wolf until Aralez turned into one, so I'm not really sure...

Coming back from checking up on the wolves, a sweet scent filled the air. Turning tails, I started sniffing the air. Feeling my ears and tail pop out, I was able to hear faint squeaking in the distance. Following the sound, I saw a small, plump Loth-rat.

Why does it smell so... delicious...?

I felt my mouth begin to water. Licking my lips, I crept up on the unsuspecting creature. When the squeaking grew, I pounced on the creature. I picked up the small Loth-rat by its tail and watched as it squirmed in my grasp.

"Squirming will only make it worse, my friend. I love a good meal that tries to fight back. Gets the blood warm..." I said.

Pinching the Loth-rat's tail, I leaned my head back and dangled the small creature over my gaped mouth; my eyes blissfully closing. When I felt my ears and tail disappear, I opened my eyes and they widened at the squirming creature. Letting out a yelp, I let go of the Loth-rat and watched it scurry away. I covered my gaped mouth with my hands in shock.

Was... Was I about to...?

That's when a familiar blue light immediately leaped out my chest. When Aralez emerged, she chased after the small creature. Racing after her, I heard a loud squeak. Once I caught up to the wolf girl, I stepped back in shock when she turned around. Her usual ice blue eyes were now a pale blue almost white and tired; her hair was a mess and red lines streaked down from her bottom lip.

She didn't just do what I think she just did...

"Aralez...? Are you okay...?" I asked, cautiously walking up to her.

Her ears perked up to the sound of her name. Aralez turned to me and tilted her head to the side. Licking her dark red lips, she walked up to me. Taking a step backward, I felt so much nerve take over my body, my legs began to shake, and didn't want to move for a second.

Okay, officially freaked out right now...!

That's when Aralez let out a deep moan and fell forwards. I quickly ran up to my friend and caught her before she could hit the ground. Cradling her head in my arms, I saw that she was sweating uncontrollably. Placing a hand on her forehead, I quickly removed it.

She's burning up...! This isn't good...

Looking around me, I noticed that I was too far to walk back to the Ghost. Holding out a hand in front of me, I called out to Atlas. Before I could lower my hand, I felt a familiar fur brush up against my palm. Looking up, I saw my beloved friend. When Atlas saw Aralez, a look of concern and worry was painted across his face.

I've never seen Atlas look like this before...

When Atlas bent down, I picked up Aralez and placed her on Atlas's back. Climbing up, I held onto both Aralez and Atlas. Once on his feet, Atlas raced back to the den at blazing speed.

This must be the fastest I've ever seen Atlas run. Is he worried about Aralez that much...?

When we arrived at the den, the rest of the pack was waiting for us. I hopped off my friend with Aralez in my arms. Atlas grumbled and walked into the den with the other wolves in tow. Following my friends, I looked down at Aralez with uncertainty.

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