Legends Never Die

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Hey everyone! Hope you all had an amazing Christmas! This is a continuation of "Lothal Through Their Eyes" Believe it or not, I was actually inspired by the song "Legends Never Die" Listen to it; it's really nice. Anyways, on with the story!

It's been a few days since the boys, and I went riding with the Loth-wolves. Since then, the boys and I really got closer together.

They feel like brothers to me. I always want to show them, especially Ezra, the differences between every Jedi Master, and how they persevered...

Right now, we were on Yavin, patrolling the area; making sure everything was in order. When I completed my rounds, I began to walk back to meet up with the others at the Ghost. As I was walking, I felt a presence behind me. I turned around to see that nothing was there.

Probably was a Bogan.

When I faced forward, I was face to face with a Force ghost of Master Nova Kry'ila. Her sudden appearance surprised me so much, I let out a yelp.

"Master Kry'ila...? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"The others and I would like to speak with you, Ezra, and Kanan... at your house, tomorrow." she said.

I blinked in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Just be there." Kry'ila said.

She then disappeared. I slapped my cheeks to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

And I wasn't...

Keeping what Kry'ila said in mind, I finally met up with the others.

"Everything seems to be calm around here." I said.

"The calm before the storm..." Sabine said, dragging out the sentence.

We all laughed at her joke.

"Come on, back to Lothal." Hera said.

We walked in the Ghost and dispersed around it as we left the ground. I soon rounded up Kanan and Ezra and told them what Kry'ila said.

"Wait, you mean to tell us that THE Master Kry'ila spoke to you, and told you to tell us that she and some other people want to speak with us at your house tomorrow?" Ezra asked.

"Yup, that's what she told me." I said.

The common room fell silent.

"Well, we got to be there. It is a request from a high Jedi Master." Kanan said.

Ezra and I nodded.

"But what did she mean by she and 'the others' will be waiting for us?" Ezra asked.

"I don't know... but we'll find out tomorrow." I said.

When I felt the Ghost land, I stepped out of it and headed towards the Lothwolf den.

Maybe Atlas can tell me something about what Kry'ila was saying...

When I saw Atlas in the distance, I quickly ran up to him.

"Atlas!" I called out.

Atlas turned around and smiled softly. I stopped in front of him and ran my hand down his muzzle.

"Atlas, can you decipher something for me?" I asked.

Atlas nodded and laid down in the wheat-colored grass.

"When I was patrolling Yavin, Master Nova Kry'ila appeared and spoke to me... She said that she and the others wanted to speak with me, Kanan, and Ezra... Do you know who 'the others' are?" I asked.

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