The Wolf and The Crow {Part 6}

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The final part. Here we go!

Crowvern glared at me with his blood-red eyes.

"You think a little transformation like that is going to save you?" he asked.

Crowvern ran up to me and brought down his weapon. Changing my footing, I moved out of the way just in time.

"Does my power frighten you, Master?" I asked.

Crowvern growled and thrust his lightsaber forward. I quickly raised my own to block his onslaught.

"I honestly expected better from you." I said.

I raised my lightsaber and ran my weapon across his eye. Crowvern staggered backward and clutched his wounded eye. I looked at my former Master and scoffed.

"Your Master would be so disappointed in you..." I said.

Crowvern looked up at me and growled.

"What happened to all that gusto and big talk earlier?" I asked.

Crowvern glared at me and soon a devilish smile appeared on his face. He straightened up and let go of his wounded eye. A long, red gash could be seen over his left eye. The sight of it made me sick to my stomach.

Did... Did I really do that...?

"What's wrong? Afraid of a little blood? You are the one who did this." Crowvern said, pointing to the gash.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and readied my lightsaber.

"I see red all the time, so this is nothing." he said.

"But you're afraid if it's your own blood you are bearing." I countered.

Crowvern's grin fell like a rock being dropped in the ocean.

"Allow me to show you what I have accomplished and acquired after your departure." Crowvern said.

When Crowvern looked at me, his eyes started to glow red, as well did his lightsaber. Then, a red aura started to ascend from underneath him.

His power... It just spiked up out of nowhere...

"Ilona was more than happy to lend me her power." Crowvern said.

My heart sank at what I just heard.

"What did you do her?" I asked.

"Relax. She is fine, just... unresponsive." he said.

"You're a madman..."

Twirling my weapon, I charged at Crowvern and brought down my weapon upon his head, only to have it stopped by my former Master's lightsaber.

"Like my new power, Padawan? I would be more than happy to share this power with you if you would just join me." he said.

"In your dreams!" I shouted.

Our lightsabers collided and connected so many times, I couldn't keep count even if I wanted to. Changing my foot, I was able to flip over Crowvern and dodge his attack.

Crowvern has gotten a lot faster and stronger. I need to be careful if I want to survive and beat him...

"Give up now, apprentice! With my power maximized, there is no way you will be able to stop me!" Crowvern said.

"Never! I will avenge those you have slaughtered!" I cried.

Crowvern smiled and started going on the offensive. His movements were quick and precise; it was very difficult to keep up and block his attacks. Flipping over me, Crowvern struck his lightsaber through my leg. Wincing in pain, I fell to the ground and clutched my wounded leg. Being the quick thinker I am, I immediately raised my weapon to stop Crowvern's from slamming into my face.

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