The Healer and Her Padawan

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Sorry for not posting in a while. Had to take a break. Continuation of "The Wolf and The Crow" Nerezza's POV, BTW. Enjoy!

It was a week after the whole Crowvern fiasco, and everything was running smoothly. I can finally sleep in peace and train without worry.

A feel like a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders.

After Hera recruited Kayla and me, we both left to do some training. Kayla agreed to train me, even though I'm not that fluent with a lightsaber whatsoever.

My life certainly turned around after Kayla, Zelara, and the Rebellion came into it, and I am forever grateful to all of them.

Right now, Kayla and I were training on the outskirts of Alvar.

I was pretty shaken up when we arrived, but I think I'll manage.

"Okay Nerezza, let's work on your blocking and deflecting." Kayla said.

I nodded and continued to listen.

"Whether it being a blaster or another lightsaber, it is crucial to learn how to block and deflect. Now, I going to blast at you and you're going to have to deflect the blasts back at me," Kayla said.

"What if I accidentally hit you?" I asked.

"Don't worry. I'll have my lightsaber on standby."

When she said that, Kayla pulled out her lightsaber and activated it. The amber color of the blade bounced off her pale skin like a sunset.

"Alright. Let us begin." Kayla said.

Nodding towards my friend, I ignited the White Wing Saber. When Kayla took out her blaster, she fired an energy blast. I raised my lightsaber and blocked the blast, but the blast bounced off the blade and flew past Kayla.

"Good block. Now, deflect the blast at me." Kayla said, readying her blaster.

I nodded firmly and gripped my weapon. When Kayla fired an energy blast, I raised my weapon and was able to deflect it back at her.

"Nice work." Kayla said, deflecting the blast back at me.

Concentrating, I deflected the blast back. The two of us went back and forth until Kayla deflected them towards the ground.

"Uh, what was the point of that?" I asked.

"To work on your accuracy and agility. Now, let's see if you can deflect blasts at multiple targets." Kayla said.

In an instant, Kayla created six Force illusions of herself.

"There will be six rounds of blasts. One blast for each of my illusions. Good luck." Kayla said.

She then fired an energy blast not too long after her statement. Raising my weapon, I deflected the blast and watched it hit one of the illusions, causing it to disappear. Kayla and I repeated these five more times until it was just her.

"Great job, Nerezza. You're a fast learner," Kayla commented.

"Thank you, Kayla," I said.

"Ready for more?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

Kayla then made more Force illusions, enough to surround me.

"You know the drill." Kayla said.

"Right." I said firmly.

Like before, Kayla fired at me and I was able to deflect the blast back at an illusion. Every time I made an illusion disappear; another would come in to take its place a second after.

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