To Stop A Lightsaber

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Continuation of "The Dark Wing Saber" Crowvern's apprentice's POV. Now, on with the story!

"Now, the art of stealth is very crucial for any assassin or spy. One slip up and you are as good as dead." Crowvern said.

I nodded as I listened to Crowvern's lecture.

Half of this stuff I already knew...

"I get that, but why are we on Alvar?" I asked.

"Alvar is littered with thieves and pirates. There are a few people here who I have a bone to pick with, but I want you to deal with them for me; even though I never shy away from the chance of staining my hands." Crowvern said.

Geez, this guy is unhinged...

"Alright, who do you want me to go after?" I asked.

Pressing his brace, a holographic image of a feline-looking alien appeared.

"What is that?" I asked.

"This is an alien race known as Bothan. This one is called Klarissa Windigo. She's a bounty hunter here on Alvar." Crowvern explained.

The Bothan had black and white fur with dark blue eyes and long silver hair.

"She has caused some problems for me in the past, and ever since then, there has been a large bounty on my head." Crowvern said.

Why am I not surprised...?

"Getting rid of her will be a huge weight off my shoulders. If you find her, you know what to do." Crowvern said.

"Yes, Master." I said.

Grabbing my blaster, I walked out of the ship and went out onto the streets of Alvar.

I only know of this place because of my older brother. He wasn't kidding when he said the nightlife was crazy, but it was also beautiful in a way...

Checking the image of the Bothan, I began my search. I checked every pub, bar, and club, but this Klarissa person was nowhere in sight.

"Find her yet?" Crowvern asked through my earpiece.

"Negative. I'll ask the locals if they know anything." I said.

Cutting the connection, I went into a club called Kalmora's. Going up to the counter, the bartender walked up to me.

"What can I get you, dear?" he asked.

"Nothing, thank you. I'm looking for this Bothan." I said, showing him the image.

The bartender leaned in to take a closer look at the image.

"Have you seen her?" I asked.

"Yes, she's a regular here. She's right over there." the bartender said, pointing behind me.

I looked over my shoulder and saw the Bothan Klarissa.

"Thanks." I said.

I left the counter and walked over to the Bothan.

"Excuse me, but you wouldn't happen to be Klarissa Windigo, would you?" I asked.

The Bothan looked up and gave me a kind smile.

"I am. What do you want?" she asked.

"What if I told you I could lead you to a certain person. You may know him as... Crowvern." I said.

Klarissa's blue eyes widened.

"You know where that scoundrel is?" she asked.

"Sure do. But I'll only show you where he is if you give me half of what his head costs." I said.

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