Looks Can Be Deceiving

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Sorry for the long update. School is a pain in the butt. "Warhead" (Season 3, Episode 14) Enjoy!

"Hobbe, Wedge, let's go! Move it! We're behind schedule, Phoenix Squadron. I want these fighters launched and at the training coordinates by 062." Hera said.

The two pilots nodded and sprinted to their ships.

"Don't understand why I can't come along," Zeb said.

"Zeb, you're my chief of security. I need you to stay behind and mind the base," Hera said.

"Oh, Hera, come on. Let me tag along. You can always use an extra pair of hands. Just don't leave me on my own here. I'll be bored to death."

"You won't be on your own. You have Chop and AP-5 to keep you company."

As Hera said that, said droids came from the far side of the base.

"Like I said, bored to death." Zeb repeated.

"Don't worry Zeb. I'll stay behind with you. Got to have at least one Jedi to watch over the base." I said looking at Hera.

Hera smiled and nodded in approval.

"We'll be back before you know it." Kanan said.

"Carry on, Captain Orrelios." Sabine said saluting.

"Sorry, buddy." Ezra said.

The crew walked up the ramp and soon disappeared into the Ghost.

"Did they seriously leave you in charge of this entire base?" AP-5 asked, looking at Zeb.

"Something wrong with that?" Zeb asked.

"Well, I just always assumed you were more of a "lift heavy things and punch anything in your way" type. You know, a grunt."

Zeb bared his teeth when he growled at the droid.

I can tell this is about to get worse before it gets better...

"Precisely. Now, what exactly do you do?" AP-5 asked.

Chopper then started grunting and warbling.

"What'd he say?" Zeb asked.

"He said, 'we never really figured that out.'" AP-5 said.

Chopper made a sound as if he were laughing.

"Don't you have something to do?" Zeb asked.

"Actually, while everyone is off practicing, I intend to take this opportunity to conduct a thorough inventory of the base's munitions supply depot. Any of you may assist me." AP-5 said.

Chopper warbled and grunted, almost sounding annoyed.

"I'm with you, Chopper. Counting crates? Not exactly my idea of having fun." Zeb said.

"Is that because you never learned to count? I can teach you." AP-5 said.

"What? No!" Zeb said.

"Hey, both of you, calm down." I said.

Apparently, I'm going to be the voice of reason between these two...

"I don't have to stay here and listen to this. I'll be in the command center," Zeb said, pushing AP out of his way.

"Doing what?" AP-5 asked.


I exhaled a heavy sigh and followed Zeb to the command center with Chopper close behind.

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