Reliving the Moment

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The Rebels visit Zelara's old home planet for a supply drop, and Zelara starts having horrible flashbacks of what happened years ago. Anyways, on with the story!

It's been a few days since I joined the Rebels and being with them is amazing. Outsmarting the Empire, taking down Stormtroopers; basic stuff. Right now, Zeb and I were running a diagnostic on the Phantom.

The Phantom is a separate shuttle that detaches from the rear of the Ghost.

"Everything looks good," I said.

"Good, 'cause I am beat," Zeb said stretching.

"Isn't there anything you do that doesn't make you tired?"

"Busting some bucket-heads."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Come on, Hera's waiting for us." I said.

Zeb and I walked out of the Phantom and into the common room where everyone else was waiting.

"Everything checks out for the Phantom, Hera." I said.

"Thanks, you two. Now, today we're doing a supply drop to a good friend of ours," Hera said.

"When Hera says, "good friend", she really means an acquaintance we can tolerate." Ezra said.

"Got it. So, who is this acquaintance of yours?" I asked.

"His name's Lando Calrissian, a get-rich-quick smuggler. He promised that he will pay us handsomely when we deliver his awfully specific supplies to him."

"Knowing Lando, he's not going to give us a cent." Sabine said.

They don't sound too thrilled with this drop-off...

"How did you come to know him?" I asked.

"Zeb was playing Sabacc with him when he bet Chopper and lost." Ezra said.

Chopper buzzed and beeped angrily.

"Sounds like Chopper still hasn't gotten over that yet." I said.

"The plot twist is that Kanan told him to do it, too." Sabine said.

"What? He had a good hand. How was I supposed to know he would lose?" Kanan asked.

"You could have used the Force." Ezra teased.

Zeb laughed at Ezra's remark. Kanan just glared at his Padawan and Zeb with a very annoyed look on his face.

"Jokes aside, we need to start heading out before Lando gets impatient," Hera said.

"Where's the drop off at anyway?" I asked.


My heart stopped.

No... why there of all places...?

"You okay Zel?" Sabine asked.

I blinked back to reality and turned to her.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said.

Hope my voice wasn't too shaky...

"Well, let's get a move on." Hera said.

We all followed Hera into the cockpit, but I was dragging behind. Ezra noticed and began to walk at my pace.

"You okay Zela? You were pretty spaced out back there." he asked.

"Ezra, I'm fine. No need to worry." I said, my voice a little shaken up.

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