The Wolf and The Crow {Part 2}

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This needs no introduction. Enjoy!

It has been three days after Nerezza's failed attempt to assassinate me, and I was on high alert whenever I was alone. Whether I'm training or just walking around the base on my own, I always check my surroundings thoroughly.

I have to admit, if I hadn't sensed Nerezza, I wouldn't be here right now...

I walked to the edge of the base and sat down on a cliff that looked out at the never-ending distance, watching Crawlers fight for dominance. I tilted my head back and let out a heavy sigh.

I can still hardly believe Crowvern trained Nerezza to be an assassin. Did he just give up on the whole Jedi training...?

I turned my head to the sound of footsteps behind me, seeing that it was Sabine.

"Hey, Sabine." I said.

"Hey Zel." she said, sitting down next to me.

The two of us looked out at the Atollon sun over the horizon.

"Is everything alright? Kanan and Ezra said that you were a little rattled these past few days," Sabine said.

"Well, I have been on edge lately, but for very good reason." I said, facing the Mandalorian.

"Mind telling me why?"

I looked away from my friend and shook my head.

"If I do, it'd cost me everything I know and love," I said.

"What do you mean?" Sabine asked.

"Exactly what it sounds like. If I told you why I'm so on edge, you, the others, the whole Rebellion even would be in danger. I can't risk letting that happen, especially with everything that's already going on."

"I guess that makes sense..."

I let out a sigh and stood up.

"I got to go. Just remembered something I have to do." I said.

"Okay." Sabine said.

Nodding to her, I made my way to the Ghost. Walking into my cabin, I turned on my holocaster and contacted a long-distance friend. After a while, a holographic image of my friend appeared.

"Well, this certainly is a surprise," she said.

"Good to see you again as well, Shadow," I said.

"What can I do for you?"

"I was hoping you can do a background check on someone."

"Give me the name and I'm sure I'll find something."

I smiled and nodded fondly.

"Her name is Nerezza Ilona. Ever heard of the name?" I asked.

"Can't say that I have. Any particular reason why you want me to do a background check on her?" Shadow asked.

"She's Crowvern's new apprentice and she was trained to be an assassin to kill me."

"Okay, that's a pretty good reason... Just give me your coordinates and I'll drop by to give you the information."

"Will do. Thanks, Shadow."


With that, her image faded away. I let out a content sigh and smiled.

It's been a while since I've spoken to her. Shadow is her code name, but she is still a very close friend of mine who I met when I was still a Padawan. She's a few years older than me with a little more experience with a lightsaber. She was even a Force healer during the Clone Wars. She's also my secret contact whenever I need some information that's hard to obtain for a normal person.

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