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ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘ.ᴏ.ᴠ.

Jisung's back hit the old yet soft mattress of the hotel. His eyes glistened as he saw the male hovering over him. Both inexperienced but ready to give their all to each other. The door was locked, the windows were shut, and the room was lit with candles that they had stolen from the other male's mother.

They let out a vanilla scent that intoxicated the two. Their eyes locked on each other, they began to lean in.

❝ I love you Minho.❞

❝ I love you too Jisung.❞

They closed the gap with a heartfelt kiss. Soon the kiss began sloppy and their teeth clashed. Their tongues fought for dominance, but Minho was the clear winner.

❝ Where do we go from here? ❞

Jisung looked at Minho with big eyes once they pulled away.

Minho turned to look at the plastic bag they had bought on the way here. There was condoms and lube in there, but neither knew how to use it.

❝ I guess we use that. ❞

Minho lifted his body away from Jisung. He picked up with bag and took out the items inside. He had only ever watched porn while fantasizing about the younger. However, since he was too much in a daze he never really payed close attention to how exactly the action started.

Jisung sat up as Minho opened everything.

❝ Are you sure you know what you're doing? ❞

Minho gave him a small smile.

❝ Do you trust me? ❞

❝ Of course I do! ❞

Minho grinned widely.

❝ Good, because I don't trust myself right now. But if you trust me then there is no way anything could go wrong. You're the most magnificent person out there. As soft as a feather  as beautiful as a rose, and as sharp as the thorns that gaurd that rose. ❞

Jisung blushed now becoming shy. He felt naked althought he was full clothed, though that would change in a few minutes.

Minho carefully read the instructions on the back of the condom pack. He wished he'd actually listen in school when they were taught about sex and safety precautions. He began to feel overwhelmed with frustration for himself for not being about to please Jisung right away.

Jisung noticed this shift in mood and played his hand over Minho's. Minho looked up at him.

❝ You're going great. Just take a deep breath Min. ❞

Minho felt himself relax. His mind became clearer, and he was able to properly read the instructions.

He placed the box down and turned to look at Jisung. He caressed the younger's cheek.

❝ This is it. . .❞

Jisung leaned into his touch.

❝ The day we become one. ❞

Neither acknowledged the fact that they were too immature and too young. They smiled at each other blindly.

❝ Are you ready? ❞

Jisung nodded. Minho removed his hand from his cheek and opened the condom. Jisung watched as Minho unbuckled his pants. His eyes widen as Minho pulled it out. He gulped as he watched Minho put the condom on. Minho occasionally glanced up to look at Jisung, gaining confidence with gaze Jisung was giving him.

❝ I love you.❞

Minho whispered as he layed Jisung back down on the bed.

Jisung arched his back, crying out in pain and pleasure. The tears that welled up in his eyes rolled down his cheeks.

❝ Minho! ❞

❝ Minho~ ❞

Minho groaned as he pushed in and out of Jisung. Loving the sounds emitted by Jisung. The bed creaked and the candles burned brighter.

❝ Minho~ right there~ ❞

Minho snapped his hips foward. Jisung cried out in pleasure. Jisung began to see stars as his eyes rolled back.

❝ Yes! Yes! Yes~ ❞

Minho put one of Jisung's legs up on his shoulder to get a better angle. Jisung gripped onto the bed sheets as his body was rocked back and forth.

❝ Minho~ Minho. . . I feel funny~ ❞

Minho understood what Jisung meant.

❝ Go ahead Jisung. Let it all out and say my name as you do it. ❞

Jisung arched his back as he screamed out Minho's name. Minho groaned as Jisung's walls clenched around him tightly.

❝ Minho~❞

Minho continued pushing in and out, making Jisung overwhelmed with pleasure. But soon Minho also felt a warmth at the pit of his stomach.

He was going to pull out but Jisung grabbed his arm.

❝ You have a condom on.❞

Minho released inside of Jisung, collapsing onto the bed beside Jisung.

❝ Minho. . .❞

Jisung's voice was tired and sleepy.

❝ How did you even book a hotel? ❞

Minho pulled out of Jisung. He took off the condom and went back to the bed. He pulled Jisung closer to him.

❝ That's a secret.❞

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