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Five hours past, and they were allowed into the room. Changbin held onto Hyunjin's hand to prevent him from doing anything stupid. Seungmin held Jeongin's hand, giving it small squeezes of comfort. Chan and Yeonji lead the way, Yeonji only blaming herself for what had happend. Minho and Jisung followed behind Yeonji and Chan. Felix was behind the whole group, keeping his head down.

They entered the room quietly. Jeonmin was awake. Her cuts and bruises were patched up. There had actually been a glass launched into her leg that had to be surgically removed.

❝ Who. . . who are you? ❞ She was referring to everyone she didn't know. Yeonji, Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, Jeongin and Hyunjin.

❝ I'm Chan, this is Yeonji, this is Changbin, that over there is Seungmin, beside him is Jeongin, and lastly Hyunjin. ❞ Jeonmin scanned the group, her eyes fell seeing Jisung and Minho completely broken.

❝ I'm sorry. . . I didn't mean─ ❞

❝ But you did it. ❞ Seungmin lightly smacked Hyunjin, Hyunjin frowned. I'm just saying what happend.

❝ Sorry about him. Jeonmin we just want to know. . . why? Why did you pick Changhee up from school? ❞ Jeonmin looked out the window.

❝ He was so sweet and lovable. I wanted a kid just like him. I guess. . . I guess I just wanted to feel what it was like to be a mother. . . But then. . . then I let my emotions get the best of me. I didn't want to kill him! I really didn't. I didnt want to kidnap him either, but I knew that they wouldn't let me be with him. ❞ Chan noticed that her arms were all covered in bandages.

❝ Were those injuries from the car accident? ❞ Jeonmin looked at her arms.

❝ I rather not talk about it. ❞ Chan nodded.

❝ Of course. Was there any other reason you wanted to take Changhee. . . ❞ Jeonmin felt her eyes well up with tears.

❝ This is stupid but in a way I guess I wanted to be Jisung. My conciousness was blinded and I thought that if I had Changhee, Minho would come to me and we could be a family. But. . . deep down I knew that was never gonna happen. I also. . .never planned to hurt Jisung, I kept saying he'd pay but I knew that it wasn't going to happen because I knew it wasn't his fault. It was no ones but my own. If I hadn't been so blind. ❞ Jeonmin let her head fall back.

❝ If I would have just saved him and let myself blow up. . . I think I would have liked it much better. ❞ Jisung couldn't stand hearing that. As much as he wanted to hate her, despise her existence. No one deserved to think like that.

❝ Guys, I think we should let her rest. ❞ Jisung spoke up. He tried smiling lightly.

❝ I'm kinda hungry too. ❞ Everyone could see the pain on Jisung's eyes, but they offered a smile as well, so that the mood could be lightened. They left, saying their goodbyes. They made sure Hyunjin left first.

Felix stayed behind. He looked at Jeonmin. She looked back at him.

❝ Could you. . . Felix. . . could you pull that plug. ❞ Felix looked at the plug she indicated. He walked up to her bed.

❝ I won't. Because I want you to live with your mistake. To learn and grow for it. Jeonmin, I believe you. . . you aren't a bad person. . . And I know Jisung believes you. But you must accept yourself and your mistakes in order to move forward. It's the only way. ❞ Felix then left the room. He did have to urge to pull the plug, but he couldn't do it. He didn't want to live with that, because living with that was much worst than death. So in a way, he was torturing her with her mistake.


Ten days had past since the hospital visit. Jisung and Minho planned the funeral, which was the next day. They hadn't full recovered from the lost of Changhee, and they believe they never will, but they had to accept it.

❝ Let's get going. ❞ Jisung nodded. They were currently heading to make last minute checks at the location of the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Han had also helped and were preparing for the gathering before and after the funeral.

Jisung and Minho got into the car. They drove around town, taking the longer way to the location. They past the grand hotel.

❝ You know. . . so much as happend. . . between then and now. . . ❞ Jisung hummed.

❝ There are some changes I would make, but Han Jisung, I would never change when I first met you, and that night. ❞ Jisung felt tears roll down his cheeks.

❝ Minho I love you so much. ❞

❝ I love you too. And I'll keep loving you in our next life and the life after that. As long as this universe exists, I'll always find you. And I'll never stop loving you. ❞ Jisung smiled.

❝ Thank you. ❞

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