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The funeral was heartbreaking to say the least. The school hosted a ceremony in honor of Changhee. And the town mourned with the family. Jisung was currently in his room.

Everyone else was down stairs. Jisung couldn't bring himself to go down. He felt so lost. He didn't know what to do. Changhee was his little star. The one that guided him. Changhee was his purpose. And although Minho was there, Minho couldn't fill that small hole in his heart that belonged to Changhee.

There was a soft knock. Jisung went to open the door, not trusting his voice. Minho smiled softly at him, his eyes red and puffy.

❝ Everyone is worried about you. . . ❞ Jisung allowed Minho to go inside and closed the door.

❝ It's so hard. . . ❞ Minho gently pulled him into a hug.

❝ He's really gone. . . he was everything I had. . . I can't. . . I wish this was a big nightmare. . . Minho, why did it have to be Changhee? Chan talked about my fate. . . was this in my fate as well? Was Changhee fated to die? ❞ Minho let Jisung cry into his shoulder.

❝ If it had to be someone it should've been me. ❞

❝ Don't talk like that. ❞ Jisung looked at Minho, who had tears running down his cheeks.

❝ My mother always told me that everything happens for a reason. When my father fell ill, I told myself that I had to find the reason for it. At first. . . I couldn't find a reason. I blamed every last human being. But as I got older, I learned that what had occurred helped me shape what I believe in, who I value in my life. I learned to be mature and learned to handle hard times better than going to a wall and punching it until my knuckles split open. ❞ Jisung subconsciously glanced down at Minho's hand. He could see a slight scar across his knuckles. He gently placed his hand over Minho's.

❝ Minho. . . can you find the reason in this situation? Why did this happen? Why us? ❞ Minho rested his head on Jisung's.

❝ At the moment I can't, but I'm sure soon we will find the reason. ❞ Jisung inhaled Minho's scent. It was soft and fresh, it calmed him.

❝ Are you alright to head down? ❞ Jisung nodded. They made their way down together. Jisung was immediately surrounded by his friends. They each hugged him.

❝ Oh Jisung we're so glad you're alright! ❞ Jeongin said as he tightened his grip around Jisung. Jisung smiled.

❝ You know. . . let's make some cookies. ❞

❝ Right now? ❞ Seungmin nodded.

❝ It's our tradition. When one of us is sad, we make cookies, don't you remember? In out last year of highschool, Jeongin stump his toe on one of the lockers turning the corner. We made cookies because he said it's the only way to make him happy. And then when Hyunjin was being a baby and worrying about whether we'll get into the same college, we made cookies just cause. We have to make cookies right now. ❞ Jisung smiled softly.

❝ Then I guess. . . we're making cookies. ❞ Minho smiled seeing Jisung slowly brighten up. He was thankful for Jisung's friends. Chan came to stand beside him.

❝ You know. . . I think because you're standing right here, he's able to coop with this better. I can't imagine what life would be like at this moment without you here with him. Thank you. . . for giving him the love he deserves. ❞ Minho frowned looking down.

❝ If I wasn't here. . . then Changhee would be here. I broke his heart, I brought her here. . . I hurt my family. ❞

❝ Cut the bullshit. ❞ Chan and Minho jumped at the voice. Yeonji came to them with her arms crossed.

❝ If one's to blame then it's me. Not you Minho, you completed his family. Don't blame yourself, you'll only end up hurting again. Listen, you smile brightly, stay strong for yourself and for him. If you do that, you'll find something beautiful. ❞ Chan smiled.

❝ She's right. Don't beat yourself over this. You've done so much, you should be proud of yourself. In this moment of grief, you've managed to stand tall and comfort him. Minho, you're an amazing person, I'm glad Jisung has you in his life. ❞ Minho felt himself become flustered.

❝ Thank you. . . not just for your words, before being there for Jisung when I couldn't. . . ❞ Chan patted Minho.

❝ Let's not dwell on the past, and look at the future. ❞ From the kitchen they can hear laughter. Chan, Yeonji and Minho all walked to the door way, they saw how Jeongin, covered in flour, run after a half covered flour Hyunjin. Seungmin was mixing something in a bowl. Felix and Jisung were throwing bits of chocolate chips at each other.

Minho smiled at the scene. Everything seem to slip away, all his worries, all that had happen. He was thankful for the people in his life at the moment. The people in the house supporting Jisung and him. Everything will be alright. . .

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