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Everyone ended up falling asleep in the waiting room. Chaehwa smiled at the group, dreading the fact that she'd have to tell them to leave.

❝ Wake up. ❞ Her voice was soft but demanding. Everyone slowly stirred before they opened their eyes.

❝ I'm sorry, but it's time to leave. ❞ Minho frowned.

❝ Can't I stay? ❞ Chaehwa shook her head.

❝ I'm sorry but no. You'll all have to leave and come back tomorrow. ❞ Everyone sighed and began to get up.

❝ Bye Chaehwa. ❞ Chaehwa waved at Minho and the rest. She sighed once they were out of sight. Her smile dropped. She loves Minho like she loves her little brother, but there was a part of her that knew that she couldn't fully commit herself to this brotherly love without getting rid of her secret first.

❝ I have to tell him. Once I do, then it won't be hauting me. ❞


The next day, Minho came to the hospital. He was lead to Jisung's room almost immediately. Felix and Seungmin were already there.

Jisung's sleeping figure was on the bed. Minho sighed. Jisung's heart was beating at a normal pace and everything seemed to be alright.

❝ I'm sorry Minho. . . ❞ Seungmin took down with tears in his eyes.

❝ Me too. . . ❞ Felix added while wiping his tears away.

❝ We could've lost Jisung because of our recklessness. ❞ Minho shook his head.

❝ Everything is fine. Don't worry about it too much. ❞

❝ I was talking to the doctor Minho. . . They said that the effects of drinking alcohol are permanent. Jisung may have not. . . you know. . . but Minhee could have side effects as well that could affect her whole life. ❞ Minho looked at Jisung and frowned.

❝ Like what? ❞

❝ She could have trouble sleeping as a kid and be extremely hyperactive. She could have trouble learning and keeping focused when she's a but older. ❞ Minho took in a sharp breath.

❝ I don't think the effects would be harsh but they will still be there and cause slight problems. ❞

❝ We can handle it. We've already been through so much, we can overcome this too. ❞ Felix smiled.

❝ That's the attitude I wanna hear! Well, me and Seungmin are going to get some coffee, do you want some? ❞

❝ No, thank you. ❞ Felix hummed. He took Seungmin and began to exit the room. He then stopped.

❝ Oh I almost forgot. Don't worry, Jisung is just sleeping right now. He should be waking up soon, at least that's what the doctors said. ❞ Minho hummed. His eyes sparkled in hope. Felix and Seungmin then completely left.

Minho listened to the heart monitor for a bit before moving to stand beside Jisung's bed. He dropped to his knees and gently reached out to hold Jisung's hand. He ran his finger of Jisung's ring.

❝ I love you so much. ❞ Jisung stirred in his sleep. Minho smiled softly.

The door opened. Minho quickly stood up. Chaehwa entered with a tray.

❝ Oh sorry. . . was I interrupting something? ❞ Minho shook his head.

❝ I was just bringing him his breakfast. He'll have a bit of trouble moving so you'll have to feed him. Come here let me teach you how to operate the bed so it'll be easier. ❞ Minho walked over to the right side of the bed. Chaehwa placed down the tray.

❝ This buttom right here is to move the top part of the bed, so basically into a sitting up position. Make sure to go slowly or you might hurt him. Also never press this button. ❞ Minho nodded staring at the buttons.

❝ This button with the arrow facing down is to elevate the bed to be parallel with the floor again. ❞ Minho ndoded.

❝ Alright, I'll leave you two alone. Oh and Minho. . . I have to tell you something later. ❞ Minho nodded. Chaehwa bowed and left.

Jisung's eyes slowly opened.

❝ Minho? ❞ Minho smiled at him.

❝ Hey baby. ❞ Jisung looked around.

❝ Is. . . did Minhee. . . make it? ❞ Minho nodded.

❝ Yes baby, you both did! ❞ Jisung smiled.

❝ I'm sorry Minho. . . ❞

❝ Don't apologize. ❞ Jisung's stomach growled. Minho chuckled as Jisung's cheeks turned pink from embarrassment. He recalled what Chaehwa had told him.

❝ Give me a second. ❞ Minho focused on getting Jisung to sit up before moving the tray of food on his lap.

❝ Say ah~ ❞ Jisung blushed before opening his mouth slowly.

❝ Ah~ ❞ Minho smiled and fed Jisung. Jisung shyly chewed. There was a knock on the door before it opened.

❝ We're back! ❞ Felix and Seungmin entered the room. They froze.

❝ Sorry to disturb you! ❞ Seungmin shoved Felix out of the room before closing the door behind them.

❝ That was strange. ❞

❝ Minho will I be able to hold Minhee? ❞ Minho shrugged.

❝ I'll ask Chaehwa. ❞ Jisung furrowd his brows.

❝ Chaehwa? ❞ Minho hummed.

❝ She was an old friend of mine from highschool. She moved away and we lost contact. Turns out she moved here. She's like an older sibling to me. ❞ Jisung nodded. He smiled, knowing Minho had always wanted a sibling.

❝ That's nice. ❞ Minho continued to feed Jisung. Once all the food was gone, Minho told Jisung that he'd go look for Chaehwa.

❝ I'll be quick. ❞ Minho exited the room. Coincidently Chaehwa was passing by talking to one of her coworkers.

❝ Chaehwa! ❞ Chaehwa turned and smiled. She excused herself from her conversation and went to Minho.

❝ Hey Minho, do you need something? ❞ Minho nodded.

❝ Jisung woke up and he was wondering if he could see Minhee. ❞ Chaehwa smiled.

❝ Of course! Follow me. ❞ Chaehwa led Minho back to the nursery. She entered the room and walked to Minhee's bed. She gently picked up the child and brought it out.

❝ Would you like to hold her? ❞

❝ Oh no, I can't. I'll just drop her! ❞ Chaehwa rolled her eyes.

❝ You won't drop her. Look just support her here and there and it'll all be okay. ❞ Chaehwa slowly gave Minhee over to Minho. Minho's eyes widen as he held Minhee.

❝ I'm doing it! I'm holding her! And she's not crying! ❞ Chaehwa chuckled.

❝ If you keep yelling she might wake up and start crying. ❞ Minho shut his mouth and looked at Minhee with little stars in his eyes.

❝ She's beautiful. ❞ Chaehwa nodded.

❝ Come on, let's go back. ❞

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