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TW : Mention of self harm


ᴛʜɪʀᴅ ᴘ.ᴏ.ᴠ.

Jeonmin layed in bed. The sheets around her were stained bright red. Her arm was decorated in red cuts. Her cheeks were stained with tears and her eyes were puffy and red. Her hair was a mess, her clothes were a mess and the room around her was a mess.

The shiny blood covered knife layed beside her. It had become her best friend. Pictures of her and Minho littered the floor. She didn't understand what she had done to deserve this much pain. All her life she's follow what she was told to do.

When Minho entered her life, there was a change in that boring patter of attending school, going home, studying, and sleeping. He added excitment. He was the reason she was motivated to get up and do something. He was her little get away place. A safety place from the world around her.

But he was gone, and frankly she's beginning to question whether he was ever there to begin with or if she was being delusional. She gently brushed her fingers along the knife.

❝ I hate you. ❞ The blade allowed her to see a reflection of herself.

❝ I hate you so much. ❞ Fresh tears ran down her cheeks. The image of Minho no longer by her side broke her. It was then that Jisung slipped into her mind.

❝ Han Jisung. . . you'll pay. You'll pay for making me hurt. . . you'll pay. . .❞ She knew that no one was to blame but herself. She knew that Jisung shouldn't be paying for her pain, but she didn't want to believe it. She wanted, no needed, someone to place the blame on.

❝ Han Jisung. . . ❞


Changhee happily ran into his room. Minho and Jisung stayed in the living room. Mr. and Mrs. Han were out at the moment.

❝ Chan told me something about my fate. ❞ Minho looked at Jisung.

❝ He said that I was fated to be with you. ❞ Jisung felt tears well up in his eyes.

❝ Hearing that from him. . . made me realize that maybe I've been blind this whole time. Maybe I've been leading him on, and it hurt. I guess that's part of the reason I'm so happy that he's with Felix now. ❞ Minho pulled Jisung into a hug. Jisung melted in Minho's arms. His head rested on his shoulder.

❝ Minho. . . I think I'm ready to let you back into my life. . . well, our life. Changhee needs his real father. And I. . . I need you, in a much different way than I need Chan and Felix and everyone else. ❞ Minho smiled warmly.

They stayed in that comfortable silence. Just enjoying each other's warmth.

❝ Han Jisung, will you be my. . . will you be my boyfriend? ❞

❝ Yes. ❞ The answer slipped out without hesitation or second thought. Minho hugged Jisung tighter.

❝ I promise I won't leave. I promise. ❞ Jisung nodded softly.

❝ I promise I won't leave either. ❞ Changhee came running down.

❝ Dada! Mommy! ❞ He hugged them both.

❝ Dada! Mommy! Guess what? ❞

❝ What? ❞

❝ I made something for you two! ❞ Chnaghee pulled down a picture from his back pocket. It was a simple stick figure drawing of the three of them standing in front of a house.

❝ Wow! It's beautiful! ❞ Jisung took it and smiled lovely. Minho looked it over in aw.

❝ I love it! ❞ Changhee clapped his hands.

❝ I knew you would! ❞

❝ Dada, tomorrow are you going to pick me up from school? ❞

❝ Of course. ❞

❝ Yay! Then can we go to the park? ❞ Jisung nodded. He checked the time.

❝ I have to get going. Changhee stay with Dada. ❞ Changhee nodded. He ran off to his room.

❝ I'm going to night classes today. Take care of Changhee please. ❞ Minho nodded.

❝ Of course. ❞ Jisung softly kissed Minho's cheek and then scurried off. Minho smiled softly.

❝ Bye bye Mommy! ❞

❝ Bye Changhee. Go to bed on time! And behave! ❞

❝ Yes Mommy! ❞ And with that Jisung was gone. Minho sighed. Everything seemed to go from complicated to perfect. It was almost too good to be true.

❝ Dada, can you sleep with me? Last night I had a night terror but Mommy was so tired I didn't want to wake him. Grandpa and Grandma are also always so tired. ❞ Minho smiled softly.

❝ Of course. If you feel comfortable enough, tell me about this night terror baby. ❞ Changhee lead Minho up to his room.

❝ There was a lot of blood everywhere. And I was in a car. People around me were screaming and yelling. It was so scary and I was hanging upside down! Suddenly it all went black. ❞ Minho picked Changhee up. Changhee snuggled close to him.

❝ You nor Mommy were there with me. I just remember being in a car with a woman, she seemed familiar and I felt safe with her. ❞ They entered Changhee's room.

❝ Don't worry. Mommy and Dada are here now to keep you safe.❞ Changhee nodded. Minho put Changhee down and Changhee walked off to get his clothes.

❝ Promise. ❞

❝ I promise. Now let's go to bed.❞ Minho helped Changhee dress into his nightwear.

❝ I love you Dada. ❞ Changhee said as he climbed into bed and patted the space beside him. Minho took off his jacket and got onto the space beside Changhee. Changhee snuggled up close to him.

❝ I love you too Changhee. ❞


Warning for up coming chapter :
Death of character


This story is about to take a dark turn. . .Enjoy! ❤🌸
~피터 팬 🌸

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