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About five weeks [ fourth month of pregnancy ] has past since the engagement. Minho has done his best to be there to support Jisung and try to get rid of the paranoia he has. Jisung has tried his best to avoid possibly dangerous situations just to help ease Minho. However, there is one thing Jisung couldn't stop doing, and that was talking to Yujung.

It went from talking over the phone for hours, to meeting up three times a week, and then finally to Yujung visiting the house nearly everyday. Minho hasn't officially met Yujung, he's just seen him, and Yujung hasn't once seen Minho nor has heard of him.

❝ Come on Minho! ❞ Minho chuckled at Jisung's excitement. They had made an appointment for that day to go to their last ultrasound. The moment they get to find out the gender of their baby.

❝ You're so slow~ ❞ Minho sighed.

❝ Jisung just a mintue ago you didn't want to get out of bed, and now you're bouncing off the walls. Take a breath, this much excitement could possibly hurt the baby. ❞ Jisung rolled his eyes.

❝ Okay okay but just hurry~ ❞ They exited the house and walked out to the car.

❝ Jisung! ❞ Jisung turned around to see Yujung. He smiled and waved.

❝ Hey Yujung. ❞ Minho stared at the boy. He analyzed every inch of the boy.

❝ Did I catch you at a bad time? ❞ Jisung glanced over at Minho.

❝ Um. . . kinda, we're going to the hospital to find out our baby's sex! ❞ Yujung furrowed his brows. We? Our baby?

❝ So. . . he's the father? ❞ Jisung nodded, his eyes then widen.

❝ That's right! I forgot to tell you! This is Lee Minho, my future husband. ❞ Jisung proudly showed off his diamond ring. Yujung looked at him in disbelief. He's been dating someone this who time.

❝ Oh, nice to meet you! I'm Yujung. ❞ Minho simply nodded.

❝ Come on Jisung. Our appointment is in twenty mintues. ❞

❝ Can I come? ❞ Jisung hesitated. He didn't want to seem rude and say no, but he also really wanted this special moment to just be shared between him and Minho.

He looked over at Minho, who stared back at him. Jisung forced a smile.

❝ . . . sure. ❞ Jisung felt a wave of regret, seeing the look of disappointment that took over Minho's face.

Minho forced a smile.

❝ Let's get going. ❞


The car ride to the hospital was very awkward. Jisung didn't know why he felt a strange tension between Minho and Yujung.

They arrived at the hospital. Both, Minho and Yujung, got out and went over to help Jisung. Jisung, of course, accepted Minho's help. Yujung just awkward smile and stepped to the side. Minho glared at him, which didn't go unnoticed.

They went inside and Minho went over to talk to the receptionist. Jisung and Yujung waited at the near by chairs.

❝ I was talking to Felix the other day. I didn't know he was married. ❞

❝ Oh yeah, Felix got married a while ago. He even has a child named Bang Hyujoon! He's so cute! ❞ Yujung smiled seeing Jisung smile.

❝ Are you hoping for any specific sex? ❞ Jisung shook his head.

❝ It doesn't matter to me. I'll love my child regardless. ❞ Yujung hummed.

❝ So. . . how long have you and Minho been together? ❞

❝ Mm. . . three years? Something around there. ❞ Jisung decided to leave out his past relationship with Minho. Yujung nodded.

❝ Oh. . . ❞ Yujung's gaze dropped to the floor.

❝ Mr. Han. ❞ Jisung looked up to see a doctor with Minho. Yujung helped Jisung up, however Minho came over and lead Jisung away. Yujung frowned.

❝ Right this way. ❞ The doctor lead them into a room. He handed Jisung a hospital gown.

❝ I'll step outside, just knock on the door once your done changing. ❞ The doctor bowed and left the room. Minho stared at Yujung. Yujung smiled awkwardly.

❝ I'll be outside too. ❞ Yujung then left. Minho sighed.

❝ He's really annoying. ❞

❝ Yujung? ❞ Minho hummed. Jisung frowned.

❝ Minho he's my friend. You should at least get somewhat along with him. He's not all bad. ❞ Minho rolled his eyes. He helped Jisung remove his sweater.

❝ It doesn't matter. ❞ Minho said before smiling.

❝ I'm so excited! ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ Me too! I remembered when I came here to check Changhee's sex! I was a nervous wreck! But I feel slightly calmer now that I know what's going to happen. ❞ Jisung slipped into the hospital gown.

Minho knocked on the door and the doctor and Yujung came back in. Minho covered Jisung from Yujung, for Yujung had been staring a bit too long at Jisung. Yujung averted his eyes else where.

❝ You may lay down. ❞ Minho helped Jisung lay on the bed. The doctor smiled at the couple. The doctor then moved to prepare for the ultrasound.

Yujung sat in the corner of the room. He sighed.

❝ Alright let's begin. ❞ The doctor put her gloves on and reached for the lubricating jelly. Minho blocked Jisung from Yujung's line of sight. Yujung didn't say nor do anything.

❝ Just a heads up, this stuff is kinda cold. ❞ The doctor added a soft laugh. Jisung flinched feeling the cold jelly be spread across his stomach. Minho held his hand.

❝ Alright, let's have a look now. ❞ She took out the ultrasound transducer, cleaned it, and placed it on Jisung's stomach gently. The television screens on the wall beside Jisung reflected the images being captured. She moved the transducer ever so slightly and gently along Jisung's stomach, before stopping. The image of the small figure of a child was displayed on the screen.

Minho looked at them in amazement. He could see the small child, and watched as it's small fist opened and closed. He felt tears rolled down his cheek. Yujung watched the screens in aw as well.

The doctor smiled.

❝ What is it doctor? ❞ She smiled.

❝ It's a girl. ❞ Jisung smiled fondly at the screen. He looked at Minho, who was too distracted crying while staring at the screen. This is her. . . our small child. . .

❝ If you'd like, we can check for a heartbeat. ❞ Jisung eyes widen and looked at Minho, who nodded while wiping away some tears. Yujung remained silent, and was probably forgotten by the trio.

❝We'd love that. ❞

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