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Minho returned to the rest. Jeongin was sleeping, his head resting on Seungmin's shoulder. Felix and Chan immediately stood up to meet Minho.

❝ Where is he? ❞ Felix impatiently asked.

❝ In the. . . emergency room. ❞ Felix's eyes widen.

❝ Emergency room?! ❞ Chan held Felix's hand.

❝ Hey calm down. ❞

❝ How can I calm down! My friend is in the emergency room! ❞ Minho looked down feeling the tears begin to roll down.

❝ I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I should've taken care of him. ❞ Felix's eyes widen and he frantically shook his head.

❝ No, that's not true. . . Besides with was our fault. . . he. . . you know. . . drank. ❞ Hyunjin looked away. Changbin placed his hand over Hyunjin's.

❝ Well, seeing as there is nothing we can do, why don't we tell stories! ❞ Seungmin suggested. Jeongin scrunched his nose up.

❝ Don't be so loud. ❞ He muttered and then drifted back off to sleep. Seungmin smiled softly although Jeongin couldn't see.

❝ Oh I have one! ❞ Hyunjin turned back to the group.

❝ So in highschool, Felix thought it'd be a good idea to try to paint himself a shirt and see if anyone notices─ ❞

❝ No! Not that story! ❞ Hyunjin frowned.

❝ But why? It's such a good story. ❞ Felix glared at him.

❝ Fine. . . I have nothing then. ❞ Hyunjin sat back in his chair. Felix thought for a bit.

❝ Why not the story when Hyunjin thought that he was part mermaid after watching─ ❞

❝ Don't even remind me! I don't ever want to think of that moment. ❞ Seungmin began to laugh knowing exactly what Felix was talking about. Jeongin shifted in his seat and moved away from Seungmin.

❝ You were like sixteen! ❞ Hyunjin smacked Seungmin.

❝ Shut up! It's in the past now! ❞ Changbin, Chan and Minho just sat quietly with a soft smile on their faces.

It was then Chaehwa approached them.

❝ Minho. ❞ Minho turned and smiled brightly.

❝ I was down at the emergency room and. . . ❞ Minho stared at her.

❝ And Jisung going to be alright! ❞ Everyone let out a sigh of relief. Chaehwa smiled and hugged Minho before leaving.

There was a silence.

❝ So you're not going to fill us in on who that was? ❞ Minho turned to look at everyone staring at him.

❝ Oh. . . she's a highschool friend of mine. But to be honest she's more of a sister to me. She moved away in our third year and we lost touch. I didn't know she ended up here until today. ❞ Everyone's look of suspicion vanished.

❝ Oh, okay. . . for a second I thought you were cheating. ❞ Felix admitted sitting back.

❝ And why is it that you assumed I was cheating? ❞

❝ I thought you were upset because of the whole Yujung thing, I wouldn't have held it against, I would've just been disappointed. But I see that you aren't like that. Which is good, I want my best friend to be with someone that just as good as he is. ❞

❝ After all these years of knowing you and you still think so lowly of me. ❞ Chan patted Minho's back.

❝ Sorry, I just gotta make sure you know. . . Some people just aren't who they appear to be. ❞


Jeonmin felt her whole body ache as she layed on the bed doing nothing. She wanted to do something the ease the pain but alas she couldn't.

❝ Is this it? Is this how I'll leave this world? ❞ She placed her hand over her stomach.

❝ I'm so sorry. ❞

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