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Minhee skipped down the stone path. In her hand was a small painting and in the other some flowers. She was now seven, and her eighth birthday was close. Behind her was Minho, Jisung and Haeyeon. Haeyeon was also seven, however he was a few months younger than Minhee.

Haeyeon had grown to be quiet and reserved. Whenever they went shopping, Haeyeon would have to hold Jisung's hand as they walked around the store. Haeyeon was always gluded to Jisung's side.

Unlike Haeyeon, Minhee was bubbly and outgoing. She preferred to walk a bit ahead of everyone. She liked to discover things on her own. Her odd habit of staring at Haeyeon didn't change. She stared at him in the car and while they ate. Minho and Jisung have tried to ask her about it but she always changes the subject.

❝ Mama is it that one? ❞ Minhee pointed over to a tombstone. Jisung nodded.

Haeyeon held Jisung's hand tightly. His eyes were now fixed on the tombstone. Minhee happily walked over to the tombstone and sat in front of it. However, Minho and Jisung stayed back with Haeyeon.

Minhee cleared her throat.

❝ Hi big brother! Today I made a painting of you with my fingers! It doesn't look exactly like you because you're too handsome to paint, but I tried my best! ❞ Minhee held up the painting to the tombstone. She smiled widely. In graved on the tombstone was the name : Lee Changhee.

❝ Mama says that you were really smart, so I want to be just as smart to make you proud! When I grow up I want to be an author, so everyone would know who you are. I'll name a character Changhee! And he'll be the king of the whole world! He'll be able to dance really good like Daddy used to dance, and he'll be able to sing like Mama sings to me at night! ❞ Minhee touched the tombstone.

❝ I'm sad I never got to meet you big brother. . . but one day I'll see you. Mama says you're now an angel watching over me. Is that true? Can you see me? ❞ Minhee looked around.

❝ We brought you flowers! They're really pretty too! Only the best for my big brother! ❞ Minhee placed the flowers over the dirt mount. She felt tears roll down her cheeks.

❝ Please big brother. . . please watch over me. . . ❞ The was a soft gust of wind. Minhee felt as though someone had wrapped their arms around her. It was cold but the hug was warm. She smiled softly.

❝ Watch over Mama and Daddy too. They still are having trouble. ❞ Minhee felt the wind decrease. She stood up and dusted off her skirt. She then ran to Minho and Jisung.

❝ All done baby? ❞ Minhee nodded.

❝ Big brother is watching over us right? ❞ Jisung nodded. Minho then picked up her and swung her around.

❝ He'll always be watching over us. ❞ Haeyeon looked down. He felt distant. He's noticed that his eyes are much darker than everyone else's in his family. And how his hair color didn't resemble neither of his parents. His eye shape and nose were different. His overall appearance was noticeably different. And that is what made him feel distant. Because deep down he knew that Minho, Jisung and Minhee weren't actually his family. At least not biological.

Jisung noticed Haeyeon's mood drop. He picked him up and held him close.

❝ He'll be watching over you as well. ❞ Minhee stared at Haeyeon. She knew as well that he didn't fit in to her family, however she did see hin as an intruder or stranger. But she didn't know what to do to help him feel as if he was part of the family, like he did fit in.

She had been observing him to find his habits and interests, so she can use that to help him feel more welcomed. She wanted him to smile and laugh along with their family.

❝ Haeyeon. ❞ Haeyeon turned to look at Minhee. It was the first time she's spoken to him directly. Jisung gently placed down Haeyeon.

❝ Haeyeon, give me your hand. ❞ Haeyeon looked at Jisung, before timidly extending his hand. Minhee took it and lead him back to the tombstone.

❝ Big brother Changhee. . . this is Haeyeon. . . ❞ Minhee looked at Haeyeon, who seem almost afraid.

❝ Our little brother. ❞ Haeyeon looked up with big eyes.

❝ Little brother? ❞ Haeyeon's voice was small and soft. It was a single drop of rain hitting the floor.

Minhee nodded.

❝ Yup, our little brother. Who is one hundred percent part of the family, and who I wouldn't trade for the world. ❞ Haeyeon felt tears roll down his cheeks. He had grown to believe Minhee disliked him. She always stared at him, and he believed she was analyzing him, as if in her head she was confirming he wasn't good enough.

❝ Let's go back to Mama and Daddy. ❞ She held his hand and lead him back. Jisung and Minho happily hugged them both.

❝ I love this family. ❞ Minho said as he picked up Minhee. Jisung picked up Haeyeon, who clung tightly to him.

❝ Me too.❞

❝ So what do you want to eat? ❞ Jisung checked his phone.

❝ Actually, Felix invited us to eat at his house. ❞ Minho hummed.

❝ Then off we go. ❞ Haeyeon rested his head on Jisung's shoulder. This allowed his to stare at the tombstone which they were now leaving behind. He smiled softly. Big brother. . .

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