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Jisung layed himself on the bed. His legs and arm were widely speard apart. Minho hovered over him. There was no lust in their eyes, just pure love.

❝ Minho. ❞ Minho hummed. However Jisung didn't say anything else. Minho furrowed his brows in confusion. Jisung gave him a smile.

❝ I just wanted to say your name. ❞ Minho chuckled.

❝ Stop ruining the mood. ❞ Jisung kept his smile.

❝ Sorry it's just. . . it just feels weird that this time we both know what we're doing, and we have the actual intention to you know. . . have a child. What if we can't have one ever again? What if─ ❞ Minho hushed him.

❝ Stop over thinking it. Soon enough we'll have another baby running around, or maybe two. ❞ Jisung blushed lightly.

❝ Sorry. ❞ Minho swept down and kissed Jisung.

❝ Don't apologize. Let's just move forward. ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ I don't know what I would do without you Minho. ❞ Minho began to trail kisses down Jisung's jaw. Jisung threw his head back, his mouth slightly opened allowing for quivering breaths to escape.

❝ My skin is burning. . . ❞ Minho smiled softly at the remark. He continued placing kisses along Jisung's collarbone. Jisung gulped.

❝ Minho~ ❞ Minho began to suck on the delicate skin. Jisung gasped.

❝ Minho~ Please~ ❞ Minho smirked. The tension between them began to grow and the mood changed. 

❝ Please what? ❞ Jisung pouted, too embarrassed to admit what he wanted.

❝ What is it you want Sungie? ❞ Jisung avoided Minho's gaze.

You. ❞ Minho smiled.

❝ You have to be more specific than that love. ❞ Jisung's face grew hotter.

❝ I want. . .you in me. . . ❞ Minho ran his hand along Jisung's bare stomach. He smiled softly, admiring Jisung. He moved himself to sit between Jisung's legs.

❝ Hurry~ ❞ Minho playfully rolled his eyes. He smiled widely. The mood had now changed into a playful one. Minho enjoyed seeing the needy Jisung.

❝ Minho~ ❞ Jisung snapped his hips foward. Minho growled and slapped Jisung's inner thigh, the playful mood now gone. Jisung whimpered.

❝ I'm in control okay. ❞ Jisung softly nodded. Minho position himself at Jisung's entrance. Jisung placed his hands on Minho's shoulders.

❝ Wait. . . aren't you going to prep me? ❞ Minho smirked.

❝ Why should I? ❞ Jisung pouted.

❝ Cause it'd hurt me if you don't dummy! ❞ Minho pushed his tip inside of Jisung. Jisung gasped.

❝ W─why didn't─ why didn't you warn m─me! ❞ Minho didn't say anything as continued to push himself inside of Jisung. Jisung threw his head back and scrunched his nose. He pressed his lips together as he felt himself being nearly torn in half.

❝ Minho~ It hurts~ ❞ Minho stopped and began to placed kisses along Jisung's chest. Jisung was breathing heavily, trying to adjust himself.

❝ Move~ Please~ ❞ Minho slowly pulled out before slamming back in. Jisung's hands gripped onto the bedsheets.

❝ Minho~ Ah~ ❞ Minho pull in and out of Jisung. The bed kept rocking back and forth.

❝ Ah~ Minho~ ❞ Minho bit his lip as he watched the beads of sweat appeared on Jisung's forehead. Minho gently reached out and caressed Jisung's cheeks.

❝ Minho~ I love~ I love you~ ❞ Minho smiled. He snapped his hips foward causing Jisung's body to move foward.

❝ I love you too~ ❞ Jisung moaned loudly as Minho hit that special spot.

❝ Ah fuck~ Right there Minho~ ❞ Minho smirked.

❝ Faster~ ❞ Jisung's walls clenched tightly around Minho. The burning pain he once felt was long gone.

❝ Minho~ I'm~ I'm close~ ❞ Minho continued to thrust in and out of Jisung. He began to suck softly on Jisung's skin, leaving behind a trail of purple spots.

❝ Minho~ I'm gonna. . . I'm gonna~ ❞ Jisung let out a loud moan as he came all over the sheets, his stomach as well as Minho's stomach.

Minho groaned at the tightness around him. Jisung layed on the bed breathing heavily.

❝ Minho~ ❞ Minho continued to thrust in and out of Jisung. Jisung felt tears well up in his eyes because of the overstimulation.

❝ Ah Fuck Jisung~ ❞ Minho came inside of Jisung, and fell onto the space beside Jisung on the bed.

❝ I hope. . .❞ Jisung fell asleep. Minho smiled and place a kiss on Jisung's forehead. He then fell asleep. Jisung subconsciously moved closer to Minho and snuggled up against him.

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