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Jisung's face was buried into a pillow. His moans were contained for now, but as Chan picked up the pace, he couldn't help but need more air. He casted the pillow to the side and moaned loudly.

None of them thought once about Changhee. But when they knock on the door echoed through the hallway, Jisung tried to hold back his moans. But he couldn't for very longer.

❝ Ah fuck Chan~ Right there~ ❞ Chan gripped tightly onto Jisung's hips  knowing full well there will be a mark the next morning. The thought that someone at the door slipped Jisung's mind.

❝ Chan~ I'm so close~ ❞ Jisung clung onto the couch.

❝ Minho~ ❞ Jisung's body quivered as he came. He then fell onto the couch, his eyes closing softly. Chan stayed still processing what happened. He then smiled bitterly. He picked up their clothes. He dressed himself, and partly dressed Jisung, knowing that if he fully dressed him, he'd probably be very uncomfortable.

He picked up Jisung gently. Jisung snuggled closer to him. He carried him upstairs and into his room. He gently layed him on the bed and tucked him in. He pressed a soft kiss on his forehead.

❝ I knew you weren't fully over him. I knew. . . but I fell for you. But I don't think I can handle the pain much longer. ❞ A single tear fell from Chan's cheek, landing on Jisung's cheek. Chan gently wiped it away softly from Jisung's cheek. But his own tears wouldn't stop rolling down his cheeks. He moved away from Jisung.

He then heard a knock. He wiped away his tears and went to answer. He was surprised to see Minho standing on the other side.

❝ Um. . . I just found this, it belongs to Changhee. ❞ Minho handed over the jacket. Chan gently took it.

❝ Is Jisung home? ❞ Chan froze. He thought about what happened a few monents ago.

❝ He is but he fell asleep. ❞ Minho looked saddened by this.

❝ Oh. Can you tell─ no, nevermind. Have a good night. ❞ Minho bowed and then left. Chan closed the door softly. He thought for a bit. What's best for Jisung. . . What would make him happy. . .

He turned to look at the wall. Picture of Changhee and Jisung lined the wall. Chan smiled softly. He looked back at the door. He opened the door again.

❝ Minho! ❞ Minho, who was half way down the street, turned around.

❝ Why don't you come by tomorrow morning? ❞ Minho looked at him confused. Chan simply smiled. This is for the best Jisung, I'm sorry.

❝ Around six. ❞ Chan then closed the door not giving Minho any time to decline.

As soon as the door closed, Chan felt the tears running down his cheeks once again. But he wiped them away and looked at the pictures of Changhee and Jisung. No matter how much I love you, I can't fill that place. I just can't. . . I'm sorry.


When Minho entered the house, Jeonmin was in the kitchen. This was the first time since the party they were around each other.

Jeonmin looked at him, then back at her work. Minho sighed.

❝ I'm going to work soon. ❞

❝ I know. ❞ There was a long silence.

❝ Jeonmin about the party─ ❞

❝ You're still on that? Minho I know it's not your fault, Jisung was probably try to put his family back together. But it's obvious that won't happen. We love each other too much! Right?  ❞ Jeonmin knew the answer, she saw that it was Minho who initiated the kiss. But she couldn't accept the reality. She didn't want to let go of her fantasy world.

Minho sighed.

❝ Jeonmin . . . we can't go on like this. I can't go on like this. I can't stop denying and pretending. I'm sick of this. I love Jisung. . . I always have and I always will. . . I can't. . . I don't love you. . . I never have, I'm sorry. ❞ Jeonmin stayed silent. She then began to laugh.

❝ You're funny Minho! ❞ Tears then began to roll down her cheeks. Minho looked away.

❝ I'm sorry. . . But. . . this is the end. You can keep the house. . . I'll be leaving this Friday. ❞ Jeonmin's head snapped up.

❝ But that's in two days! Please Minho don't leave me! Not for him! He already has a boyfriend! Changhee doesn't need you it's clear he has that father figure already─ ❞ Jeonmin jumped in her seat when Minho punched the wall beside him.

❝ Minho─ ❞

❝ It's over Jeonmin. I'm going to work now. ❞ Minho then left. Jeonmin broke down crying. You'll pay Han Jisung. You'll pay for this.

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