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Felix was the first to arrive, followed by Seungmin, then Chan, then Jeongin, and finally Hyunjin.

Jisung let them in and lead them to the living room. His parents were asleep as well as Changhee. The house was silent. Jisung cleared his throat.

❝ There's something I want to tell you guys. Something I've kept hidden from you all, that I probably shouldn't have hid. I was just afraid of. . . afraid of what you all would think of me. ❞ Felix's gaze softened. He looked at the rest, who also seemed to be quiet soft at the moment. They looked ready to comfort and help Jisung in any way.

❝ The father of Changhee is. . . ❞ Hyunjin glanced the the side.

❝ Lee Minho. . . my neighbor. . .❞ There was a loud gasp. Everyone turned to look at the wide eyes Hyunjin, that had fallen off his seat and was holding a hand to his heart.

❝ What! Lee Minho!

❝ Do you even know who that is? ❞

❝ Yeah. . . it's Jisung's neightbor. . . ❞ Jeongin smacked Hyunjin on the head, which caused Hyunjin to complete fall onto the floor. Seungmin rolled his eyes. He then remembered that day he found Jisung on the streets, all those years ago.

❝ Wait. . . as in Lee Minho the on that used to live on ******, like. . . the one who was two years older than us and was on the basketball team in middle school. ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ So when I found you. . . . . was that when you found out that you were. . .❞ Seungmin's voice trailed off. Jisung nodded. Hyunjin then gasped.

❝ Wait! If Changhee is seven and a half-ish, so like eight since his birthday is soon, does that mean you guys did the. . . that means you guys did the nasty when you were thirteen! And he was only fifteen!❞ Jisung looked down ashamed. Chan stood up and hugged him. Everyone melted at the sight, as Jisung burried himself into Chan trying to hid himself.

❝ Hey, don't be ashamed. We don't think any differently of you. You're still their friend, and you're still my Jisungie. ❞ Everyone nodded in agreement, including Hyunjin.

❝ So what are you going to do? Have you told him? ❞ Jeongin couldn't help his curiosity.

❝ I have. . . but I told him that I think it's best if we just ignored each other. . . because we have already formed separate lives, that don't involve each other. . . after Changhee's eighth birthday day. . . that's it. I plan on cutting him out of my life. ❞ Felix frowned.

❝ Aren't you going to at least ask for money to pay child support for the past eight years? ❞ Jisung shook his head.

❝ He didn't know and that was on me. . . ❞

❝ Wait. . . why'd he even leave? Did he know and run away?! If so let me at him! I'll show him a piece of my mind for leaving my best friend like that! ❞ Seungmin gently pushed Jeongin back onto the couch.

❝ No he didn't know because I didn't get to tell him. He had personal family problems, and although I really wished he would've told me, I think that even if he did tell me it wouldn't really change much. I was still afraid, and I don't think I would've told him. ❞ Hyunjin sat up.

❝ But he would have found out! You two would still be together! No offense Chan. ❞ Chan shook his head, understanding what Hyunjin was going on about.

❝ Well, we can't change the past, but we can shape the future. If you two see that excluding each other from the other's life is how you want to go about things then fine. But. . . have you thought about Changhee? ❞ Jisung glanced at Chan, then back at Felix.

❝ Changhee will learn to accept our choices. And Chan has done more than enough to provide Changhee with the fatherly love he needs. ❞ Chan smiled softly.

❝ So that settles that. After the birthday no more Minho, no more drama, Chan and Jisung get married, Changhee has a father and I'm the best man. Now let's get rid of this depressing mood and watch a movie! ❞ Hyunjin announced.

❝ I call picking the movie! ❞ Jeongin snatched the remote.

❝ No way! You just watch baby movies, give me that! ❞ Seungmin took the remote away from Jeongin.

❝ Oh no! You always choose a horror movie! I'll pick! ❞ Felix said trying to reach for the remote, but Seungmin held it up high above his head.

❝ Um, I think we're forgetting it was my idea! ❞ Hyunjin said, easily stealing the remote from Seungmin.

Chan and Jisung watched them as they continued to argue. Chan gently pulled Jisung out of the hallway.

❝ Hey, are you sure about this? ❞ Jisung looked at him confused.

❝ I love you, this is why I'm asking you. I want you to be happy, and not do thing just to gain approval from others. ❞

❝ I'm sure about this. I really like you Chan. Minho was in the past, I'll learn to let go of him. I just need time and help. ❞ Chan hugged him tightly.

❝ I'll be waiting. But just make sure that if you find this isn't what you want, just tell me. I'll help you with what you want. Because I love you. ❞ Jisung smiled.

❝ Thanks. ❞ They walked back into the living room, a saw everyone was settled.

❝ You four seem oddly quiet. ❞ Felix shrugged.

❝ We decided it's best if you two chose the movie! ❞ Jisung rose a brow.

❝ What did you break this time. ❞

❝ The vase. ❞ Jeongin tilted his head towards the back of the couch. Surely enough, the pieces of a broken vase were messily placed behind it. Jisung sighed.

❝ You're lucky I love you all and that vase wasn't that expensive. ❞ They all gave Jisung a cheekily smile.

❝ So about the movie? ❞

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