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The next morning, Jisung woke up on the soft mattress. Beside him it was cold and empty. He sat up rubbing his head, which ached badly. His lower back burned with pain.

Jisung shifted to sit on the edge of the bed. His feet dangled in the cold air. The door slowly creaked open, making Jisung pulled the covers over his half naked body. Chan appeared, with a glass of water and a pill bottle.

❝ Breakfast will be ready soon. ❞ Jisung nodded as Chan placed the bottle and glass on the nightstand beside the bed. Jisung reached out and held his arm.

❝ About last night. . . Chan I'm sorry I forced you to. . .❞ Chan smiled softly.

❝ It's fine. I did give ny consent at the end, but I'm more concerned about you. Did you mean to do it last night . . .with me? ❞ Jisung sat in bed thinking of the events of last night and what Chan meant. His eyes widened.


It rang so clearly in his head. He looked up at Chan, who's eyes were red and puffy, still slightly teary. Jisung didn't know what to say. He loved Chan, but he felt as if he said yes, he would be lying.

❝ I. . . I don't know. . . ❞ Chan sighed.

❝ I knew you were still conflicted. Which is why for the both of us. . . I think it's best if we end it here. Remain friends but nothing more than that. . .❞ Jisung looked at Chan in shock. He felt his eyes water because he knew Chan was right. His feels were so complicated and he knew that id he kept pushing for this relationship to work, he would probably end up hurting not only himself but Chan as well.

❝ I invited Minho over to eat. . .❞ Jisung head snapped up.

❝ Jisung. . . I know now. . . You weren't ment to be with me or anyone else but Minho. . . You need your family together again. It was your fate from the start. You two are meant for each other. ❞ Jisung had a moment of realization. The strange feelings he's been having around Chan, they weren't feelings of love. He was just longing for that lost affection, and when Chan showed him slight interest he took it. He was desperate. He just convinced himself that he loved Chan and it wasn't an act of desperation.

❝ I'm sorry Chan. . . I'm so sorry. ❞ Chan wiped away Jisung's tears.

❝ Don't be. . . I'm always going to be here for you. If not as a lover then as a friend. ❞ Chan offered a soft smile. Jisung smiled back. It hurt, for both, but they knew it had to happen.

❝ So are you ready for breakfast? ❞ The doorbell echoed through the house. They heard soft footsteps.

❝ I'll get it! ❞ Changhee's cheerful voice ran was heard above the footsteps and creaking of the floor. Jisung and Chan couldn't help but smile.


Changhee opened the door widely. He smiled.

❝ Zombie! ❞ He hugged Minho's leg. Minho patted his head softly. It felt different than last time, now knowing that Changhee was his son. Changhee looked up at him and smiled.

❝ Zombie can I tell you something? ❞ Minho hummed, crouching down to Changhee's level.

Last night Mommy and Chan were making weird noises. I couldn't sleep very well because of them! They must have been playing a really fun game cause they wouldn't stop making those weird noises! ❞ Changhee, not so quietly, whispered into Minho's ear. Minho felt his heart sting, but he couldn't help but laugh softly at Changhee's innocence.

❝ You don't have to worry about them. ❞ Changhee pouted.

❝ But I wanna play with them too next time! I don't wanna be left out of all the fun! ❞ Minho chocked on air. Changhee looked at him concerned. Chan and Jisung were making their way down the stairs. Chan of course was helping Jisung.

❝ Are you okay? ❞ Chan asked once he saw Minho dying by the door. Minho waved him off as his face began to heat up from embarrassment.

❝ Yeah. . . ❞ Minho's eyes landed on Jisung. Jisung looked right back at him.

❝ Well I made breakfast. It's just cooling but I think it's done. ❞ Changhee cheered. He ran into the kitchen.

❝ You can come in. ❞ Minho hesitantly stepped inside. He took off his shoes. Chan moved past him to close the door. Jisung stood by the door way to the kitchen, holding the wall for support.

All three then made their way into the kitchen where Changhee waited for them at the table. Changhee swung his legs back and forth while impatiently tapping his finger on the table.

❝ There you are! I'm starving Chan! I think. . . I think I might die! ❞ Jisung giggled. It made both Minho and Chan smile. However Chan's smile faded.

❝ I'll go get the food. ❞ Chan then turned and went off to get plates and such. Jisung took a seat in front of Changhee, wincing slightly at the pain that shot through his lower back. Minho looked at him concerned by Jisung just smiled.

The promise to cut each other out of their lives was forgotten rather quickly. Changhee patted the seat beside him.

❝ Sit here Zombie~ ❞ Minho smiled at him and sat down. Changhee looked at Minho, then at Jisung. He knew full well that Minho was his father, he just didn't know why Minho was living with Jeonmin and Jisung was with Chan.

❝ Mommy. . . who's my dad? ❞ Jisung froze. It was the first time in all his life Changhee had asked the question. But he knew one day he would get curious. One day this illusion of a happy world Jisung has been trying to paint for him would shatter.

❝ Well you see. . . I. . . um. . . ❞ Chan came back with two plates. He had sorta been watching them as he served the food, admiring how beautiful they family looked, together. He knew that he didn't belong with them, and that moment right there was enough prove it to him.

❝ Who wants to eat first? ❞ Changhee jumped in his seat.

❝ Me! Me! ❞ Chan smiled and put the plate in front of Changhee, then one in front of Minho. Minho looked at him confused, expecting him to give Jisung the plate.

❝ Jisung will be eating something different. ❞ Changhee looked up.

❝ Why's that? ❞

❝ Because. . . he's special. ❞ It was obvious to Minho that Jisung must have needed something to help him regain strength after the night before, but to Changhee not so much. He pouted and crossed his arms.

❝ I want to be special too! ❞

❝ You are! Look your pancakes have chocolate chips in them and are shaped like a heart, while Minho's and mine are normal circle pancakes with nothing but batter. ❞ Changhee observed his pancakes, then looked at Minho's. He let out a cheeky grin.

❝ Oh yeah! This makes it extra special! Thank you Chan~ ❞ Chan smiled and went back to get his food and Jisung's.

Minho looked up at Jisung, who was looking at Changhee with a loving smile. Minho couldn't help but smile.

When Chan walked back towards the table he stopped to watch them. That looking of pure love and longing, it was enough for Chan to confirm his beliefs. He decided that maybe he should let the family have some bonding time.

❝ Here you go. You know, I just got a call from work. . . I have to go. If you want more there is a plate over there. ❞ Before Jisung could say anything Chan left. He sighed. He turned back to look at Changhee.

❝ Mommy. . . you never answered my question. ❞ Changhee said in between bites. Jisung froze. Minho also seem to tense up a bit, but continued eating.

Changhee stared directly at Jisung. He knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it for Jisung. He wanted to be able to confidently tell all his classmates, who had teased him about not having a father, who his father was. He wanted to have that perfect family everyone else seemed to have.

And although he loves his mother and Chan and all the other people in his life dearly, he wanted that real father figure.

❝ Who is my real father? ❞

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