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Two days past by quickly. Changhee was getting ready to head to school. However, he was very sulky about the whole thing. He whined and threw a mini tantrum. But they were successful in getting him into the car.

❝ Mommy, can we get ice cream after school? ❞ Jisung smiled.

❝ Of course. ❞

❝ With Zombie too! ❞ Jisung hesitated but smiled.

❝ Yes. . . with Zombie too. ❞ Changhee looked out the window, he had a wide smile, which slowly faded.

❝ We're here. ❞ Jisung got out of the car with Changhee. Changhee looked at him confused.

❝ I can go by myself Mommy. ❞

❝ Oh, I know my big handsome boy. But I just need to talk a bit to your principal. ❞ Changhee nodded.

❝ Can you walk me to my class too? ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ Of course! ❞ He took Changhee's hand into his and let Changhee lead the way. They walked into the school building where more parents and students were.

Jisung could hear the whispers of the parents. He hated it. He ignored them and continued walking Changhee to his class. Apond seeing his class Changhee released Jisung's hand and ran away. Jisung smiled softly seeing Changhee meet up with some friends.

He continued walking to the principal's office.

❝ Jisung! ❞ Jisung turned around and smiled. Jung Yeonji, one of his old highschool classmates, ran up to him. She smiled widely. They had become somewhat friends after finding out that their children were in the same class.

❝ What brings you here? Normal you just drop Changhee off and leave? ❞ Yeonji was a parent who is very active in help with school activities. She is often in charge of fundraiser and helping plan feild trips. Many people have told her to try to get paid off of helping, but she always says no because she's helping not working.

❝ Ya, it has been brought to my attention that some kids have been picking on Changhee.  ❞ Yeonji furrowed her brows in annoyance.

❝ Really? Who would do such a thing! Changhee is such an angel and a complete cutie~ ❞ Jisung giggled.

❝ Yeah, well we'll see. ❞ Yeonji then smirked.

❝ So. . . I've been seen you with someone lately~ Is little Jisung getting a man? ❞ Jisung looked down. He has been spending more time with Minho lately, but doesn't yet feel ready to go back to him. He's talked to Chan ever once in a while, but it seems Chan has been hanging around Felix more.

Jisung didn't mind if they started a relationship, he just thought it would be a bit awkward but not wrong. Besides Chan is the perfect guy, and Felix has been going through a lot when Hyunjin and Changbin started dating. Felix deserved to be happy with the perfect guy, both of them did.

❝ I wouldn't say that. . . Well here's the office! I'll see you around, bye Yeonji! ❞ Jisung walked into the office without another word. Yeonji smiled and continued on her way to the cafeteria.


Minho layed on his mattress. It's been two weeks since he's moved out of his shared house and since he's last talk to Jeonmin. He hadn't been seeing her around either and he didn't know whether to feel happy or not. He was still worried that she lived in the same neighborhood as Jisung, but alas he couldn't do much.

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