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Chaehwa, Minho and Minhee arrived to the room. Chaehwa slowly began to open the door before stopping.

❝ Minho there's something I wanted to talk to you about. ❞ Minho looked at Chaehwa confused.

❝ Minho. . . this is old, but I still want to tell you because I feel like it's better to tell you than to keep it hidden. At least it's better for me to put it out there, this has been eating me up since I left. ❞ Minho stared at her.

❝ Minho I used to like you. . . a lot. . . and not as a brother like I do now. . . but as a lover. ❞ Minho's eyes widen.

❝ Wait. . . really? ❞ Chaehwa nodded. Minuo began to laugh. Chaehwa glared at him.

❝ Hey stop it! I'm being valuable right now! ❞ Chaehwa then placed her hands over her mouth, realizing that Minhee was still asleep.

❝ Sorry it's just that I used to like you too. ❞ Chaehwa laughed lightly.

❝ Guess we were both blind. Well, at least now we are both happy. Well at least you are. ❞

❝ Why just me? ❞

❝ You see. . . promise me you won't laugh. ❞ Minho smiled.

❝ I promise. ❞

❝ Okay. . .so there is this doctor in training. . . and he's really sweet to me and─ hey don't make that face! ❞ Chaehwa looked away with bright red cheeks. Minho smirked at her.

❝ Aw Chaehwa has a crush~ ❞ Chaehwa glared at him.

❝ You really are just like a baby brother! ❞ Minhee woke up and began to cry. Minho's eyes widen.

❝ What do I do! ❞ Chaehwa pushed the door opened. Minho followed her inside with the crying baby.

❝ I apologize for the wait. ❞ Chaehwa took Minhee from Minho and slowly handed her to Jisung, who happily took her. By now, Jisung's bed had been set up for him to be sitting upright.

❝ Aw there there Baby Minhee~ ❞ Minhee slowly began to quite down. Chaehwa excused herself and left. Minho smiled at the two most important people in his life. He wanted to take a picture of the moment, so he did.

❝ So beautiful. ❞ Minhee opened her eyes. She looked around the room and giggled.

❝ She has your eyes. ❞ Jisung commented looking at Minhee. Minhee looked right back at him.

❝ Jisung. . . there's been something I've been meaning to tell you. ❞ Jisung hummed, not taking his eyes off of Minhee.

❝ Jeonmin. . . she got pregnant. . .❞ Jisung looked up at Minho.

❝. . . that's not all. . . the police came over to my house the other day. . . the asked if we were interested in adopting the child. . . ❞

❝ And what did you say? ❞

❝ I said. . . yes. . . ❞ Jisung's eyes softened. Minho let his gaze drop.

❝ I couldn't say no. . . They said that if we didn't accept they'll put the child in foster care. . . ❞

❝ Minho look at me. . . I'm proud of you. ❞ Jisung offered a smile. Minhee giggled loudly reaching out to touch Jisung. Minho smiled and moved closer to them.

❝ I love you. . . both of you. ❞


Chaehwa smiled to herself, happy that she finally said what she wanted to say. She was just surprised that Minho had actually liked her back. She cringed at the idea of her and Minho actually ending up together.

❝ Gross. ❞ Chaehwa knocked on Jisung's room's door. Once she recieved permission to enter, she pushed open the door.

❝ It's almost feeding time for Minhee, would you like to feed her here? ❞ Jisung nodded excitedly. Chaehwa smiled.

❝ I'll be right back. ❞ Minho sent her a teasing smile.

❝ Don't get distracted~ ❞ Chaehwa glared at him before leaving.

❝ You two seem close. ❞ Minho smiled.

❝ Is my baby, perhaps, jealous? ❞ Jisung scoffed.

❝ I'll inform you I'm not! I'm actually really happy for you. You've always wanted a sibling, and she seems like a wonderful person. ❞ Minho smiled.

❝ She is and she adores you and Minhee. ❞ Jisung smiled. Minhee stared at Minho.

❝ So. . . this is it. This is our family. ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ It is. Well, almost. We still have that child from Jeonmin to recieve. ❞ Minho shrugged.

❝ Yeah, but technically─ ❞

❝ Nope. We agreed to let the child into our family, therefore it's part of our family. ❞ Minho smiled.

❝ Alright. ❞ Minhee looked away from Minho.

❝ She's awfully quiet.❞

❝ Changhee was quiet as well. ❞ Minho sighed.

❝ I'm sorry─ ❞

❝ Don't even finish. That's in the past now. ❞ Minho smiled, still feeling guilty. Chaehwa entered the room again.

❝ Sorry, I just wanted to get here quickly. I overheard the doctors speaking and I have some great news! Jisung, you and Minhee will be able to go home in two days! ❞ Jisung's eyes sparkled.

❝ Also here is the bottle for Minhee. ❞ Jisung gladly took the bottle. Chaehwa smiled.

❝ I'll leave you two alone now. ❞ She bowed and left. Minho chuckled. Jisung adjusted Minhee before feeding her.

❝ She's so cute~ ❞ Minho hummed.

❝ Not as cute as you~ ❞ Jisung rolled his eyes.

❝ Stop, we aren't in middle school anymore. ❞ Minho chuckled.

❝ But you still manage to blow me away with your beauty. Geez, I can stare at you all day and I'd never stop being amazed at how beautiful you are. ❞ Jisung blushed and looked down at Minhee.

❝ Stop being cheesy. ❞ Minho grinned.

❝ Whatever you say. So are you going to plan a baby shower? ❞

❝ Oh Felix, Hyunjin, and I have started talking about that way long ago. We have everything planned out. ❞ Minho nodded.

❝ Must be nice. What about our wedding? ❞ Jisung shrugged.

❝ Honestly, I have no idea. I want everything to be perfect. A theme that fots both of us. ❞ Minho hummed.

❝ You know what, we'll think about the theme later, the day we are getting married is July thirteenth, right? ❞ Jisung hummed.

❝ Exactly on Changhee's birthday. ❞ Minho smiled.

❝ Right. ❞ The couple looked down at Minhee. The bottle was emtpy, however she was still wide awake. She was still as if she were listening to their ever word.

❝ Aren't you sleepy~ ❞ Minhee smiled.

❝ I think you should rest now Jisung. Here I'll call Chaehwa and then I'll take Minhee back to the nursery. ❞ Jisung hummed.

Minho went out to call Chaehwa. He quickly returned with her. Jisung handed Minhee to Minho, while Chaehwa leveled Jisung's bed again. Chaehwa was the first to exit the room, and held the door opened for Minho.

❝ I love you. ❞ Minho muttered to Jisung. Jisung smiled.

❝ I love you too. And you too Minhee. ❞ Minhee giggled. Minho smiled and placed a kiss on Jisung's forehead before leaving. The door closed and Jisung slowly relaxed. He smiled softly as his eyes shut close.

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