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Minho decided to go to the local supermarket to get food. He informed Jeonmin before leaving. Just as he pulled out of the drive way and drove off, Jisung was making his way out of his home. He decided to follow Felix's advice, and interview his neighbor. There was just one small problem. He had no idea which house Jeonmin lived in. He never payed attention to his neighbors and barely memories which house he lived in.

He looked around trying to remember if anything wasn't recognizable. He sighed giving up. Just as he was ready to tell Felix that maybe they would have to cancel Joenmin came running out of a house that was two away from Jisung's. Jisung's eyes glisenened in relief. However, he became slightly worried because of the distressed look written all over Jeonmin's face.

❝ Is everything alright? ❞ Jeonmin jumped at Jisung's sudden question. She turned to look at him with wide eyes.

❝ Oh, yeah. . . It's just that my boyfriend just left but he forgot his wallet. . .❞ Jisung couldn't help but laugh a bit. She also smiled softly.

❝ Well, what brings you here? Evening walk? ❞ Jisung shrugged.

❝ I actually wanted to ask you something. ❞ Jeonmin hummed.

❝ Well, I'm planning to go out in a bit and I really need a babysitter─ ❞

❝ Yes. ❞

❝ What? ❞

❝ Yes I'll babysit for you. ❞ Jisung smiled softly.

❝ Well, we need to go through an interview─ ❞

❝ Well my name is Soon Jeonmin, and I'm twenty three years old. I recently moved in so there isn't anything dangerous laying around. My boyfriend just went out to get some food for the week. I'm very experienced with kids. I used to work at a day care! ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ I think that covers everything about you, but what about your boyfriend? ❞

❝ Ah, he's twenty three years old. He used to live here about eight years ago. ❞ Jisung felt his throat become heavy.

❝ Oh. . . what's his name? ❞

Lee Minho. ❞ Jisung heart fell. However he forced a smile. Before he could answer Felix came running out.

❝ Jisung we only have twenty eight minutes! ❞ Jisung took a deep breath.

❝ It wouldn't be any trouble if I leave him here right? ❞ Jeonmin smiled.

❝ None at all! Go enjoy your night out, your child is safe with me. ❞ Jisung nodded. He had nothing to worry about right. Minho doesn't know about the baby. And what are the chances it is Minho, he left ages ago, why would he come back. Besides Minho is a common name.

Jisung nodded softly to himself.

❝ I'll find a way to pay─ ❞

❝ Oh don't worry about that! I'm doing this for free. ❞ Jeonmin winked at him. Jisung smiled softly.

❝ Thanks. By the way, his name is Changhee. He loves animal crackers, and his bed time is at eight thirty sharp. Don't fall for his excuses. Also he can only watch television for an hour. My number is *** **** ****, call me if he gives you any trouble.❞ Jeonmin nodded.

❝ He's safe with me. ❞ Jisung bowed.

❝ I'll see you later this evening. Hopefully before his bed time. Felix! Bring Changhee here please! ❞ Jisung called out to the boy still standing on the porch. Felix nodded and rushed inside, only to reappear holding Changhee's hand.

Changhee escaped for Felix's grip and came running to Jisung.

❝ Mommy! ❞ He latched onto Jisung's leg. Jisung softly patted his head.

❝ Changhee, Mommy is gonna leave for a bit. But you'll be staying with auntie Jeonmin for a bit okay? You'll be an angel for Mommy right? ❞ Changhee hesitated before nodding.

❝ Tomorrow, I promise we'll go out for ice cream. ❞ Changhee smiled widely. He ran to Jeonmin and held onto her hand.

❝ I promise Mommy! ❞ Jisung nodded.

❝ Thank you. Oh and by the way, I'm Han Jisung.❞ Jeonmin smiled.

❝ It's my pleasure Jisung. ❞ They said their final goodbyes and went their separate ways. Jisung feeling uneasy but knew that there wasn't anyway Minho would know or maybe it wasn't even the same Minho.

❝ Ready to go? ❞ Jisung nodded, looking back at the house once more to see Changhee happily running up the steps. Changhee turned and began to wave at Jisung. Jisung smiled and waved back.

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